
Isotope Final

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Isotope Final

Back in time, baby

Two teams fight over a heavy water production plant, by blowing up half of it.

How do you blow up half of it, you ask?
By dumping some australium down a pipe of course!
Of course you can't actually dump it down there without getting yourself down there.
Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.

Developed with 2007 in mind, this map is linear, choke-heavy, quite small, and 'bad'. Truly a product of its time.

Custom assets are used only when necessary, trying to stick with things you would have seen in maps of the time.
First release
Last update
Invade CTF

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Latest updates

  1. The 'Final' update

    Due to how I originally made the map I don't think I can go much further without completely remaking large chunks of the map, so this is it. NOT RC, just final. (may work on it in future) +Fixed several visual bugs and displacement issues...
  2. The 'gameday' update

    This update was pushed out for a gameday so only has a few changes -Removed the small ammo packs on top of the mid buildings Engineers had too much metal supply for setting up in this area, making upgrading and maintaining their buildings too...
  3. The 'smol' update

    +Fixed some bugs