Number 10!!


Fixes misaligned textures on blu side

Added elevation leading up to drop down
Made drop down wider (now 32u from 16u)

Tucked the fence in on the right exit to reduce dead space
Fixes misaligned no entry signs on spawn doors
Increased respawn time for attackers from 10s >12s and defenders from 14s >16s
Revamped environment lighting, shadows, sun, skybox and fog

Scaled down chicken wire at choke
Fixed misaligned roof textures
Made middle and lower area wider

Staging Area
Fixed misaligned roof textures
Fixed seam in displacements
Fixed misaligned texture on ramp to concrete
Made hiding spot crates non solid (should have already been the case as they were blockbulleted)
Fixed asymmetrical fence placement on concrete
Clipped fences on concrete
Fixed misaligned texture on doorframe on concrete

Fixed misaligned textures on the outside of spawn rooms
Fixed missing light on blu side
Fixed seam in displacements
Fixed misaligned texture on ramp to upper area
Fixed displacement clipping into floor inside a building
Fixed misaligned texture on support beams
  • Adjusted the capture zone to include the hazard tape in its area
  • Added hazard tape around point which lines up more accurately with the capture zone
  • Changed the team_control_point entity to be invisible and replaced it with team-coloured lights similar to koth_ashville (Credit to Rorek)
  • Smoothed clipping on the boxes under the point

Staging Area
  • Adjusted displacements on "no mans land" in the staging area in order to create a hill
  • Sewn displacements behind fence in the staging area
  • Added a fence to the concrete entrance to the staging area
  • Fixed a texture at the upper area on the blu side
  • Added a pillar under the conveyer belt in the staging area
  • Smoothed clipping on the barrels under the conveyer belt

  • Pushed the spawn room back to make the spawn area larger
  • Added more cover in the spawn area
fixed door prop misaligning
fixed textures misaligning
Major Changes
Detailed the entire map, not quite to an art pass but enough so it looks pretty.
Added sneaky hiding spots by the left route (spawn pov)
Changed the name of the map
Changed sun angle slightly
Removed balls
Major Changes
Reworked entire spawn area
  • Removed weird fence thing and replaced it with a room
  • Reworked connecting room on the right side (spawn pov)
  • Reworked balcony area, adding room behind it.
  • Should be easier to rotate from each entrance to mid
Some detailing
Some skybox additions
Changed sun angle slightly
A lot of lighting adjustments
Adjusted some overlays
Added healthpack and ammopack to the right side (spawn pov)
- May be too much health available now will have to see
Major Changes
Made some buildings to help jumping
Made some & raised some buildings to "close off" parts of the map
Tidied up parts of the map to help movement
Changed healthpacks and ammopacks to small near mid ramp
Decreased sun brightness
Added more lighting
Fixed floating crates
Changed wall at balcony area to a flatter one
Made some areas wider
Changed rock prop for something more fitting
Updated decals
raised the left entrance to the staging area (spawn pov)
added health & ammo to this area ^
changed skybox
added / adjusted lighting across map
changed entrance to flank on the left of point (spawn pov)
Updated & improved clipping
Reworked spawn room
Removed piss lighting
Added outline to capture zone
Adjusted cover on point
Lowered the raised area behind the point