• Applied feedback from ETF2L preseason cup, thank you for all the suggestions
  • Changed geometry on B
    • Added scaffolding next to the point, allowing Blu players to approach Red highground
    • Redid Red forward spawn, Blu players are now able to rotate between B and E
  • Improved detailing of the submarine in C oob area
  • Added eruption effects on successful E capture
  • Replaced sophisticated guns on A point to propper AA gun props
  • Various fixes and improvements
Post ETF2L Season 27 Preseason cup update.

Reportedly and from what I've seen D/E was too strong of a hold. Premiership teams however managed to push D/E much better than lower division teams. E was also not that worth pressuring early on.

- lowered E cap time from 35 to 32s to make E pressure more viable, this should also nerf D hold a bit, forcing defenders to rotate to E faster. Early game E pressure should also be more viable.

- added a basement flank route on D that loops around to the back of the point
- moved around stairs a bit on D
- forward sentry spot watching the gate entrance do D is now possible to be easily spammed out, effectively making that spot not viable
- capping D now closes the door to red room high ground ledge for red; attackers however can still access that ledge. This should also make holding E from right in front of the spawn after you lose D not viable.

Camping the house was too strong, making medic too safe. I've decided to punish passive holding on the point a bit more.

- made doorways leading out of spawn house on B smaller to punish teams camping there more
- replaced medium ammo with small ammo on the ledge on B to make keeping sentries up harder, and also reduced the amount of hiding space available there
- increased respawnwavetime for red on B from 7 to 8s
- added partially choke obstructing containers near B main choke to nerf wrangler dominating sentry position and allow mobility classes easier access to the ledge
- minor fixes
- slight respawnwavetime adjustments on B and D
- fixed possible issue that would crash some players only on THG servers

- reduced the amount of metal available at the point

- increased cap time from 10 to 12s
- reduced red respawn wave time from 8 to 6s

- removed the doorway to E high ground ledge closing after C is capped, the route to that ledge is now permanently open
- hopefully fixed some bridge jankiness
- actually fixed capture point not blocking bug
- swapped rock textures for lighter and changed grass to be consistent with the rest of the map
- remade capture zones in an effort to fix the cap blocking bug
- more detailing

- added an extra pipe blue can use to reach defenders side from red room
- added a fence ledge that allows blue to jump onto the point from the ledge next to red room
- small window before D entrance now closes after D is capped
- removed two crate props from E to declutter it
- moved garage choke closer to main hold position of red
- blocked a sightline from cave route to the garage route which was too safe
- gave blue a little more highground coming out of spawn
- decreased blue team respawn wave time from 3 to 2s

- made the main choke door more narrow

- experimental, closed off the high ground route into D; with how the map has played with the recent changes, perhaps attacking E before getting D is now finally viable
- increased red respawn wave time after D is capped from 10 to 11s
- door to red room from red side of E now permanently closes after C is capped
- artpass of C
- clipping and detailing of various other areas
- some minor optimization work
The point overall was too big and the sentry nests on the far cliff side was too strong wrangled. Furthermore, pushing attackers were at too much of a disadvantage. Blue would constantly be attacked by the flank pushing through the other side of the map and spammed by the combo classes peeking the container route. Changes were aimed at reducing fighting distances and giving blue a safer approach to the point.

- added a flank that loops around the cliff to make engieneer nests there less effective
- decreased blue respawn wave time by 1s
- moved garage route choke closer to the point
- blocked off the container route which was too beneficial for the defending team and caused awkward combat angles
- gates to E now no longer close after capture

Teams did not like holding the warehouse and instead almost all red players sat on the spawnroom ledge, which was small, cramped and awkward to fight around, causing not so enjoyable fights. The changes made to the point now encourage more of an aggressive holding position, and less awkward passive hold position.

- removed 2nd spawn exit for red team
- widened the ledge on which engineers would often build, but also slightly lowered it
- the choke now offers quicker rotation to the warehouse
- elevated the area before the warehouse to give blue a more comfrotable lobby-like zone
- decreased capture time from 12 to 10

Teams seemed to struggle with capping C a lot. The point is far away and because of how quickly cap time goes down, it requires strong commitment. The corridor route was especially ineffective because of how easily blue could be flanked from E by soldier and scout. Changes were aimed at buffing the amount of pressure attackers can put on E, emphasizing quick rotations.

- blocked off the high ground catwalk route from red spawn to red room, this makes pressuring E and pushing C much safer for the blue team; this door now only opens after D is capped, to help attackers push last whilst simultanously encouraging red to contest red room
- elevated the ledge leading onto the point and widened the doorway leading into the windows room on C
- removed small red-sided health pack around connector
- added water back for no reason

Pushing D is still paintful and despite continous nerfs, it remained the strongest hold on the map when defended properly. Changes were meant to nerf D/E simultanous defense, forcing red to step out and expose themselves to spam more if they want to fend off E cappers

- added a window frame to the ledge leading to D, this should make spamming that window and therefore denying red from killing the cappers easily
- blocked off more of the high ground at main choke, also making it impossible to stand on top of the metal sheets
- because the door to red room is closed before D is capped, attackers pushing D through the red room will be less exposed to the enemy flank
- increased red respawn wave time after D cap from 10s to 11s
- clipping
- blockbullets to many areas
- removing some gay roamer spots
- removed some gay E point hiding spots