
CP Caldera rc3


L2: Junior Member
Feb 26, 2016
Caldera - hot

5CP attack/defense map inspired by steel with the final point inside a volcano. Why would anyone build a base inside an active volcano? Don't know.
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L2: Junior Member
Feb 26, 2016
- increased E cap time from 30 to 35s
- removed/blocked some cover from E so you can't completely hide from hitscan
- made side flank stairs route and C to E connector into a single room, so that blu has another lobby area they can attack E and D from
- added another exit onto B that leads to a balcony above point, also blocked one sightline from spawn
- buffed ammo pickups on A and B
- RED is now forcedrespawned when B is capped due to short walk time to C which was rolled
- nobuild on trees and pipes
- clipping

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 26, 2016
- added an additional flank onto D from A side
- closed down the two thin windows from which defenders could spam E from while standing at a very good defensive position on D
- an additional door that went onto highground on E now closes on C cap, making attackers less likely to be shot in the back when flanking
- adjusted respawn wave times
- added small hp and medium ammo in the house at the docks area flank on B
- spawns now change their angle when capturing points, facing players towards the right points
- added deathpit signs near the water

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 26, 2016
- changed lowground into highground on A
- made things a little smaller around A
- door from RED spawn to A now closes so that players get funneled into B more
- closed the window on B
- connected B choke with B flank with a stairway, rotating between these two is now easier and faster
- the route from C to E is now a bit different, it doesn't give as much space for attackers, hopefully this funnels players into the right area to attack D
- there are now two exits onto E after D is capped
- blocked annoying sightlines

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 26, 2016
- changed the high ground dropdown route on A, now goes through a house
- streamlined A a little, moved the high ground dropdown route closer to spawn
- added another route on top of planks and container onto A
- shortened blue respawn wave time on A by 1 second
- changed the containers on B into an actual high ground platform you can contest as both attackers and defenders
- changed the lobby leading up to C, rotating between C and E is now done through a new connector and is easy for both teams
- non-jumper defender classes have a harder time pushing C lobby now, will have to go through a new connector area
- the balcony at D is no longer accessible, attackers will no longer be shot in the back from high ground when pushing D
- optimization
- added crocs
- i forgot to tone down HDR see you in a6a

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 26, 2016
- added more high-ground accessibility for attackers on A
- reworked B flank into something with roughly the same idea, but once captured, should give attackers much more advantage and high ground
- added a tight flank route leading from C side of E into D
- lots of small tweaks
- clipping

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 26, 2016

- textured and slightly detailed the map
- optimized hot spots on the map, though still a lot more to be done in terms of optimization
- changed sloped roof on A into a building with a ledge to buff that side of A; this change should also make it easier to optimize the map in the future.
- cleaned some useless props

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Feb 8, 2016
Really excited to see that Caldera reached Beta!
I always enjoyed this map and I can't wait to test it some more.


L2: Junior Member
Feb 26, 2016
- added more textures and small details
- slightly elevated low ground at A by 32 units and low ground at B by 16 units to make being in those areas less of a death zone
- added a barrier to the highground at main entrance to D to make that route more viable
- considering closing the window on D to allow attackers to "edge" the E cap and bait defenders out, but it remains open for this version

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 26, 2016
- closed window at D, now defenders have to leave safety of D to get cap time off E
- D window now opens after D cap
- performed exorcisms to make them work and added bridge railings that extend after D cap
- slowed the speed at which D door closes after D is capped to give attackers opportunity to go through and capitalize off momentum
- door leading to D from red side is now open before C is capped to allow enigneers to setup there ahead of time
- added more Emil's detailing

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 26, 2016
- significantly changed the C point, same ideas, different execution; the point now allows for more creative E attack and defense from both teams
- removed a door that would close off one of the spawn exits for red when D is capped
- increased red respawn wave time on E from 10 to 12 seconds
- reduced cap time of A point from 15 to 12 seconds
- moved a crate on B to create a viable low ground sentry crate spot there
- moved a wooden on E high ground position to the back to make defenders more susceptible to splash damage
- added Emil's detailing

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Feb 8, 2016


L2: Junior Member
Feb 26, 2016
D0om updated Caldera with a new update entry:


- added a path that connects red E side to the red room. This allows defenders to contest red room and attackers to push last through it
- closed A to D route
- widened the doors in the D tight tiles route
- changed door lips at C to give red more visibility into the connector corridor
- added an additional ledge on B for red to defend from
- lowered cap time at B
- added trigger push on top of the trees
- adjusted respawn wave times
- lowered fences at B to signal that you can jump over...

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 26, 2016
D0om updated Caldera with a new update entry:


- redesigned blue spawn
- moved blue spawn closer towards A
- removed cliff route on A
- opened up C defense spots to provide more breathing room and possibly quicker rotatations onto E
- widened the main choke doorway on B
- added a couple of fences to protect against environmental damage
- changed the B -> E/D connector by opening it up and making it into more of a lobby like area that blue can use later on in the game to push E/D

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