After careful consideration, I’ve completely redone the map layout. Previous feedback has indicated that, while the point was alright, the routes were confusing, redundant, and not particularly interesting. Snipers were quite powerful, and engis had trouble setting up.
I’m calling this a4, but it’s more or less a near reboot.
- Routes lead more directly to the point
- Large central area is still the focus, with a shallow canal in the middle, the layout is different though.
- Side building is a straight pull from a previous version, with a few modifications
- The point is now located in an elevated central building, suspended over the canal. Should be an interesting point to fight over
- Central canal branches off into sewers, accessible from both spawns (This might be a problem, tbd)
- The map in general is more cohesive.
- The canal no longer has a push force, I heard it might be a really annoying issue for anyone playing with lag. (something to think about and potentially tweak)
- Very high skybox (still a diaper, but that’s temporary), so Jump classes should have plenty of mobility options.
- Can more or less circumvent the central area by using the side buildings
- Pickups are still pretty up in the air, so let’s see how they play
Let me know what you all think!