Art Pass Club

Paper Shadow

L2: Junior Member
Jul 22, 2016
Since the discovery of cement artists have desired to create building-sized art pieces to push the boundaries of their medium and show off in a very humble and modest way, but they have been shackled by the laws of land ownership with extravagant magnates and humble farmers alike prohibiting the development of buildings on their property unless you can guarantee that some twenty something violent lunatics will paint your meticulously designed pristine walls with various body fluids. It seemed like the medium was gonna go the way of other cement-based art forms like Cement Baking and Cement Fashion. But that's all in the past now as we have developed a new way to get undeveloped buildings to you ready to be prettied up in all of your favourite building materials and architectural styles, so grab your hammer, put on your finest cement shoes and get ready to detail!

Welcome to Art Pass Club! A space to practice your detailing skills with no pressure, Art Pass Club will provide a VMF every week-ish for people to detail, be they a newcomer wanting to learn the ropes or an experienced mapper looking for a framework to experiment with. There are no rules to follow or contests to win and you are free to use what you create in any of your other map projects. Even feel free to go back to weeks you missed or revisit weeks you've done before with a new idea. This is all for fun and practice, so don't sweat any deadlines or complications.

Each week you will be given a VMF file of an in-bounds area and a brief. The brief will give a general idea of what you'll be detailing and the difficulty of the task (difficulty represents the size of the base layout and how complex or unorthodox it is). You can just do the area provided in the VMF but you are free and encouraged to create and detail surrounding in bound and out of bound areas. You are free to alter and replace the geometry as you see fit, but do try to keep the general layout similar.

Files will be posted in a collection of folders in the VMF Pile Google Drive created by ABP and have the following naming convention for easier sorting:
apc_[season number][week number]_[area reference]_template
So for example of what a VMF file might be named:

“apc” stand for Art Pass Club. The Season Number and Week Number will be different for each prompt (don't ask me how long a Season is, this is mostly for future proofing). The Area Reference will refer to what the general idea of the purpose of the area you are detailing is (like a spawn room or a flag room) and will be used more than once since the Season and Week Numbers handle nuanced sorting. When there is a sufficient backlog of weeks you can use the Area Reference to quickly search for weeks about a specific area if you are searching for a file to detail or examples by other people without reading each week's brief.

When you save your own VMF file, I suggest replacing the word “template” with your username or whatever else you feel appropriate, so for this example I might name the file:

The VMF file will have some logic elements inside (like spawns, simple lighting, a spectator cam, .etc) in case you wish to compile the map and check it out in game first. For elements that are usually team filtered, like spawn points or doors, they will be available to Any Team unless they have to belong to a specific team, like a Flag or Capture Point. You are free to alter the team allegiance as you see fit. The Spectator Cam is used to create the cover image of any given week, so keeping that in the same location will let you create a comparison image of your finished work.

When you are finished and happy with your work, feel free to post an image or two in this thread or the week's folder in the VMF Dump (or the TF2Maps Discord, though that would make it harder to find, or anywhere that'll accept them I guess), or even share your finished VMF files if you are okay with people using them. Have fun!
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Paper Shadow

L2: Junior Member
Jul 22, 2016
Season One Week One (0101): Simple Beginnings
Area Reference: Spawn Room
Difficulty: *

Everybody has to start somewhere. For bloodthirsty mercenaries it is the Spawn Room that provides them their initial glimpse into an unfamiliar map, so for the first week of Art Pass Club we'll begin there as well. This small spawn room can be designed with either team in mind and has three exits close to one another, so you can imagine that they lead out to the same area like a KOTH map or separate areas if you'd prefer. The window behind the player spawns could be removed if you desire to, but would it be more interesting to create an area for players to look into?

(Remember you are free to detail as little or as much as possible. If you only want to detail the spawn room itself or if you want to expand further out and create the surrounding area you are free to do so)


Week Folder and VMF File


  • apc_0101_spawnroom_template.vmf
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Jul 27, 2009
Guess I'll go first, had a lot of fun trying to ape the extol style a bit but got a little carried away with the OOB area. I could probably spend another few days polishing it, but I need to draw a line in the sand and call it good enough to get back to work on other stuff! Would it be worth uploading the .bsp in the folder so people can run around these detail maps if they want to?




  • apc_0101_spawnroom_urban.bsp
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The The The
Jan 6, 2020
Guess ill go second! Decided to go back to the norwegian theme and now boom here it is! (there is seals and a bucket cat, but dont go bothering the bucket cat since she is on vacation)


  • apc_0101_spawnroom_rhamkin.bsp
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Jul 26, 2022
wanted to do a mercenary park themed area and thats about it


  • apc_0101_spawnroom_wendy.vmf
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L1: Registered
Feb 10, 2022
I took this as a challenge to take an idea and build something in an hour. Brushwork, ideas, etc. took an hour, then I set aside extra time for lighting and compiling.
I had the idea of using EArkham's sandstorm skybox for a dusty middle-eastern setting with TF2C's YLW team for identity.




I ended up discarding the sandstorm idea, but kept the Iranian theme as a self employed grocery based on a real village I visited abroad, with a generic Iraq city backdrop.

I find the interior too bright, and maybe a little barren on shop assets. It's covered in yellow for team recognition, though I don't think the inside does the middle eastern theme justice (not that I had much choice). It was a good hour spent, quick from 0 to 100 focusing on process rather than result. Other than that, I listen to music while working, and I chose Bôa - Duvet


  • apc_0101_spawnroom_muxin.vmf
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L2: Junior Member
Feb 21, 2020
I'm a bit late with this



  • apc_0101_spawnroom_fiddleford.bsp
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  • apc_0101_spawnroom_fiddleford.vmf
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Paper Shadow

L2: Junior Member
Jul 22, 2016
Season One Week Two (0102): Intelligent Design
Area Reference: Flag Room
Difficulty: *

This week we will be tackling an objective-related gameplay space: a CTF flag room that holds the precious intellegence. Home to patient Engineers everywhere, flag rooms can often indluge in more detailing thanks to their low population density and easy access to out of bound spaces. This room in particular has two entrances: a ground floor route (that itself has two seperate entrances) and a staircase leading up to an small room that overlooks the intel. You are gonna need to add a roof, or maybe you'd rather keep some of the space outside as a twist to common flag rooms? Consider getting rid of the desk though; I stole it from 2Fort.

(Remember you are free to alter and replace the geometry as you see fit. Does the staircase in its current style not fit what you have in mind and you would rather have a fancy spiral staircase? Go for it. An area looks a little too squished? Push a wall back a bit. Would you rather have the pickups in a slightly different position or in a nearby recess? Sure. I let you be the judge of what does or doesn't alter the general layout of the area.)



  • apc_0102_flagroom_template.vmf
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L2: Junior Member
Apr 25, 2023
Late and incomplete, but I decided to go with the classic locker room theme. The rest of the base is still being refurbished from it's TFC days though. I only decided to focus on making the actual spawn area look at least decent since this is actually going to be apart of a map that I'm working on and is the only area not subject to change really. This is my first shot at trying to do an artpass though I will comeback later to finish it up.


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41 crashes and counting
Jul 10, 2017
I hope I'm not to late to show off my Spawn piece!
This was a wonderful way to take a break from a mapping block, but I may have gone over board

I went for a "fantasy castle" themed spawn, which is actually really difficult to do when there are absolutely 0 fantasy textures. that I know of.
Oh well, as Abraham Lincoln once said, "Just fucking figure it out."






Hope these images aren't too large!
And here's the BSP so you can find the exact room i ran out of time and energy:

(edit: I haven't used VIDE in a hot while, but the map SHOULD be packed now)


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The The The
Jan 6, 2020
Welcome aboard the ship.. well submarine... u will be working on the F.L.A.G department where we store the Intel.
I decided to go with the submarine theme since i wanted to use the whales, but mid detailing i relaized i didnt really like the submarine theme but i kept pushing it! and in the end i made something im mostly ok with.


  • apc_0102_flagroom_rhamkin.bsp
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