It's unfortunate that you could not be present for our review of Yukon. There was plenty of feedback.
Initial thoughts; Players thought it was too dark. Certain areas were dim and became hard to see when the spam sets in. However, someone did ask if the map was official or custom, so you did something right there

The map played well, balance-wise. There were plenty of back-and-forth action. We played 3 rounds, each lasting approximately 10 minutes, resulting in two victories (last round ended due to mp_timelimit) with a full, 32-man server.
Unfortunately, most players did not like Yukon. I share their thoughts on the lack of alternate routes. They did not like being repeatedly forced into the same chokepoints. Usually in valve maps, there are about "2.5 routes" to the various objectives.
The final CP was fairly difficult to capture. Players were complaining about long travel times, and the point's extreme proximity to the spawn.
Some players were also grimacing at the long respawn time the attackers had when assaulting the final CP (especially heavies).
I should note that it was not impossible, however, we did eventually manage to capture it twice within the 30 minutes.
Notable quotes from regulars:
"its too big and too dependent on teleporters for us fatties"
"the last point is way to close to the spawn"
In the end, however, the map had to be forced to end manually. You forgot to have setstalemateontimelimit 1 sent to tf_gamerules.
Personally, I still enjoyed the map.