WiP in WiP, post your screenshots!


L3: Member
Jul 12, 2008
new model wip

Looking Good! I assume that'll be used for the elevators in the map that's being made out of your CP Contest entry?


L1: Registered
Dec 7, 2008
Interesting...it would be unique if that CP actually rung a bell.

More unique if each CP actually had a bell with a different tune to spell their death with.

Even more unique if you have the bells toll the tf2 tune together during setup time.


L420: High Member
Dec 21, 2008
Interesting...it would be unique if that CP actually rung a bell.

More unique if each CP actually had a bell with a different tune to spell their death with.

Even more unique if you have the bells toll the tf2 tune together during setup time.

Even more unique if a hoard of zombies came out and at the loosing team :)
Jan 31, 2008
dude, that looks awesome, more screens!!

There's not much to take screenchots of though, as it's still in alpha. But I could use some help with a little comparison.
Which version looks the best?

Animated gif:
Last edited:
Jan 31, 2008
With self-illuminance... Atleast i think so.

Yeah that's my thought too.
Let's try to break it down a bit:

Without self-illuminance:
  • All the walls are shaded properly, no added glow
  • Slightly smaller .bsp filesize
  • It won't have that characteristic glowy icecave look
  • Some areas become very dark with unrealisticly bright environment maps
  • Can look messy

With self-illuminance:
  • Gives a more artistic glow to the cave
  • Looks alot cleaner
  • No need to slap lightsources everywhere


  • Slightly unrealistic
  • Some shadows might disappear in the glowyness
Jan 31, 2008
IMO without glow looks better (with looks a bit like it has a blue screen overlay with a low opacity)

Just a thought: Ice does not glow, it does have reflection (from the screenies I think you use it).

If you play with the settings a little more I think you can get a little more realistic effect. Without using glow.


Maybe increase the blue reflection a little more.

I know it doesn't glow, but it's transparent and lets light pass through it. The effect is very hard to achieve in Source.
Anyway, I have already tried tinting the env map blue; it looked kinda bad:



L4: Comfortable Member
Mar 21, 2008
Early screen of an Egypt themed CTF being blocked out while I revamp granite.



L1: Registered
Dec 7, 2008

Was encouraged to test some planning in Google Sketch Up before starting my map after about 4 half-completed map attempts and seeing some amazing sketch-up work.

Above is a sample of my new planned payload map which has the few following aims:

  1. Cart that moves along walls/ceilings
  2. 3 Unique areas, each with a visible change in graphical style (Industrial > mixed > mine respectively)
  3. Height as a major factor with blue team generally maintaining a downwards moving cart.
  4. Each point as difficult to capture as the last (which probably means I'll make something explode at each point capture...)

Sketchup map is about 40% done, just wanted to put it out there because it will probably be delayed over the next week or so whilst I work on other things.

Ignore the colour coding, it's just my personal thought process (like green = no entry or sit on obstacles). You'll have to trust me when I say there's a lot more in there than appears at the bird's view shot.


L4: Comfortable Member
Jan 14, 2009

Only entrances to sewers are when you drop down into the trenchs (kinda like well, but the water level is about 2fort height relative to the ground) in the middle part and the one from the intel room.

4 entrances to the intel room; 2 identical ground level entrances, a elevated entrance (the orange bit leading to the building from the spawn catwalks and the aforementioned sewer entrance.

Bittman: I wish I could bring myself to actually plan something out. I only have a very general plan for any of my maps which I then tend to adlib the hell out of.


L1: Registered
Apr 23, 2009
Hello there. I'm working on a snowy and alpine payload map, so I have nearly finished the first BLU Spawn, here are some screens :

This is my first map, I hope i'll finish it. Do you like it? Why or why not?
I need some help, i'm trying to make some displacements but they look really ugly :/ , can someone help me or give me tips?