Looks very 2fort-basement inspired.
Some things though: wires cutting through middle bevel, floating resupply cabinet, these things look kinda weird.
Good practise though, if you can do these detail things well then it will stick into your mind and you can do your own variations of it whenever you want.
The lazy mans way: move the cable so it no longer clips
The other lazy mans way: move the middle bevel so the cable no longer clips
The hard, ultra original but not recommended way: make it so the bevel shows some holes where the cables had to go though because some person was lazy to move the cables as if a tf2 class was trying to solve that same solution.
I wonder what would happen on the 3rd way.
It however could be me but to me that roof looks a bit low on that screen and makes the area quite flat. If the map has the room for it i would try to make that area a bit higher in total. On this current level it looks good but that roof is just dull.
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