WiP in WiP, post your screenshots!

Aug 23, 2008
Just throwing this out there — an idea for a unique 5CP setup where each team only has one spawn room but doors open and close to make faster routes more accessible. I'm only showing how it would look for the northern team to make it easier to follow; the real thing would be symmetrical.


Does this seem doable?

Not quite what your going for but cp_stag is close I think.

Its totally doable, but the question has to be why? Does it add something interesting and exciting to 5cp play? Does it solve a problem inherent in the notion of a forward spawn? Or are you just doing it because it would be cool to do?

If its the third option, I think the eventual layout you're going to end up with will be more restrictive than you might think, which means the rest of the map's layout suffers because of a bit of "map theory".

Edit: Oh just saw the path from mid to 5. I guess that could be interesting, but it could also really screw up the dynamics of 5cp play. Like, you can walk behind the enemy team from middle while they try to cap 4 and get a really easy back cap. So, you'd have to dedicate 1-2 players to last every time you push to 4, or send someone to middle to watch the paths there so you don't get backcapped as you cap 4. All in all, could be interesting but could also lead to a lot of back caps and overly defensive postures on the last point.
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Mar 1, 2010
Those massive support struts look really weird just stopping there. Are they bolted to the side of the concrete? No way could they hold up the tank.

I do need to adjust them but 4/8 of them do end up landing on the flat concrete base there, just that side and the mirrored side opposite of it has them hanging.


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
Honestly, it looks pretty ugly.

That is not helpful at all. It takes very little effort to throw in a motivation for that opinion, or even a fix-suggestion.

Personally, I'd say you should grab some reference screenshots from official maps and look at them a lot while detailing. There is absolutely no shame in copying a detailing style, and more often than not, it's both easier and more practical to work from a reference instead of imagination.


L5: Dapper Member
May 2, 2010
I like it. A lot. The Architecture itself isn't really that interesting, though. The whole thing is just a little bit too cubey. Perhaps try to include some chimney models or such on the roof to break up the outline/silhouette.


Sep 11, 2013
Wait, doesn't all that concrete and metal meet up with wood from the red side? That's gonna look really weird. I'd redo the entire bridge to be more consistent and neutral probably (if I am remembering right).


L666: ])oo]v[
Jul 22, 2009
Just throwing this out there — an idea for a unique 5CP setup where each team only has one spawn room but doors open and close to make faster routes more accessible. I'm only showing how it would look for the northern team to make it easier to follow; the real thing would be symmetrical.


Does this seem doable?

didnt crossroads do something like this