[WIP] arena_redwood

[FT] Andy

L1: Registered
Jul 9, 2008
quicky made a few changes, (wont be in the version for testing though).



Should the dish stay or revert back to the tower?

Haven't had much time recently as an important uni deadline is getting closer and closer...


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
The Dish looks nice.

Those bridges are sex, by the way.


Former Alias: †Blade†/Xi.Cynx
Nov 25, 2008
Yea the dish doesn't look to bad. That displacement looks a hell of a lot better... "MAYBE" even making it a little hill or rise would be nice too. almost as to separate the tracks but still be able to run over it. You know... Like only about 16 units high or so.


Sep 10, 2008
Just played it on gameday.

Most everyone agreed you should clip the roofs of buildings -- it's just way to overpowered.

This is my opinion, but the bridge could use better clipping and the other side of the map could be smaller

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
I got stuck in the doorway here, not exactly sure what happened, it sorta felt like the door closed on me could from my viewpoint I couldn't tell. Other than that... it felt similar to how valve's arena maps play, be that good or bad, I don't know.

Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008
Yeah, I played gameday too. Fun map. I think pretty well done, the roofs are a little nutz though, seeing scouts flying around the map overhead.

I think the side buidlings could use more detail (obviously they aren't done). But maybe link a few together with some hallways to give some tighter areas for pyros.
Like the 2 buildings in the top right corner of the top pic, maybe put a hallway with a 90* ben between them (could be a larger building, but only an accessible hallway)


Sep 10, 2008
We even had a round where every player was on the rooftops.

It was totally crazy!
Aug 19, 2008
liked the map, what bugged me was that i had to turn right as soon as i left spawn, not just run forward like i´m used from valves arena maps
rooftops definitely need to be sealed off


L6: Sharp Member
Dec 8, 2008
yea i like it i might sugest it to stompfest for a vote map

when it is done
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L3: Member
Nov 2, 2008
I kinda liked being able to get on almost every roof but I think I was overpowered as scout, because I could do a complete round of rooftop jumps with the right timing. You shouldn't disable the roofs in my opinion but you adjust it so you can't circle more than 180° (or even 90°) around the central building on the outer buildings rooftops as scout.


L10: Glamorous Member
Apr 12, 2008
Enjoyed playing this yesterday.

My biggest issue is the same a lot of people had, roof access. It was just the scouts jumping on the small roofs that was the issue, but soldiers/demos raining death from above on the roofs near the dish.

As far as a way to keep some roof access but prevent scouts from being able to jump across the whole map, I'd suggest making the little building near the train bridges larger/taller, so that scouts can't just keep jumping through. Could possibly add a second story with access to the back, or a tunnel that connects it to the main building. Just random thoughts, but making that building an obstruction to going any further might be the best idea.

[FT] Andy

L1: Registered
Jul 9, 2008
Right, I've managed to get some work done on the map over christmas. Nobody can access the rooftops on the satalite dish side, but scouts, soldiers and demos can still access the 3 rooftops on the health pack side, for now anyway.
All of the map is now textured but there isnt a lot of detail on the buildings yet. Plus the 3d skybox is very basic at the moment, its just there to give you an idea of what parts will look like.
There is now an underground tunnel from the 'signal box' to the main building.
Enough of me talking, here are some screenies








Former Alias: †Blade†/Xi.Cynx
Nov 25, 2008
Everything looks just fine in dandy in all those screenshots, except in that second one, try to get some better lighting on those logs under the bridge, the whole log pile looks shadowed when only part of it should be. ;)


Quack Doctor
May 19, 2008
Inverse the alpha on your cliffs, the grass should be on the horizontal parts and the dirt on the vertical. Other than that, looks great!


Dec 5, 2007
Inverse the alpha on your cliffs, the grass should be on the horizontal parts and the dirt on the vertical. Other than that, looks great!

Yup, gotta agree with him there, it looks unatural seeing grass growing on vertical slopes. I'd actually go a bit further and use more of the grey cliff rocks instead of displacements. I see some horizontal and vertical textures on the sloping edges of the rooftops that idealy should be rotated so they're parallel with the gradient. I think there are also a few wooden beams with the texture going across rather than along it.
Some of the skycards also need rearranging, you can see them just end and some are lighter infront of darker ones.
Just a few more props in the outdoor areas and I think you're done.

Not really much else to say without playing it again.

Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008
Looking really nice.

I think the cliffs look a bit unnatural though. They really make the level look like it's inside a box. All the tops are just straight across and all are the same height. The rock objects could help alot.

The bridge area is the most offending in that respect imo. Having the even rows of trees along the sides and same cliff top all the way around is really boxy.

Seeing how there is a gap I think that gap should run out of the level into the skybox so it looks like the bridge does more than go across a hole. (EDIT) oh, I see now that it IS in the skybox.

That area just seems too long. Since there are no visible old supports or pieces of the bridge it looks artificial. I think it would look much better if the gap in the bridge was really no longer than the length of one bridge segment. That would still leave enough of a gap that players could accept it as a jump they can't make (out of the play area) and it would make the bridges support structure seem realistic enough to be plausible.

At the same time it would help get rid of the huge gap of weird cliffs and leave you less to manage to make that area look more natural.
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