
CP volkar a1

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Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
You should make the assault on the front more linear and perhaps allow BLU better access to the battlements. As it stands the gameplay is not very varied and combat at both the CP's is practically identical. You have the opportunity to have many different experiences on offer to players but you've just got 2 identical points.


Mar 1, 2010
As seems to be the trend, my internet crapped out on me all day for the test. I swear Charter is conspiring against my mapping.

I did think of changing that up, Grazr but decided against to see how it plays out when it's the same on the initial test. I'll change it up for the next test for sure.

How did the final point go? Too hard to cap or anything? I was worried about Red's spawn being right above it.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
It was pretty hard, but it was also pretty fun. It was the most interesting part of the map. You might wanna look at increasing BLU's spawn wave considering the travel distance for BLU and the timer on the CP.


Mar 1, 2010
Just watched the demo. Besides the people who obviously just don't like the gamemode, so any map is going to suck to them, it seems like it went pretty well. I have a few things to work on; spawn waves, blocking the stairs going down before the gates are open (not sure how to go about that yet), maybe pushing the horses up further forward to decrease the run time, changing up the two outer points, adding a few internal ramps leading up to the battlements (probably in the larger courtyards where the wood is now).

Maybe I should make the sides of the map completely in-accessible? Seems like it was only used once or twice effectively (I saw at least one spy take it and it worked well), but I'm not sure if it's worth leaving in for such a rarely used purpose.

Another idea I had was to block off that whole back area, making it all Blu's respawn zone and moving the resupply cabinets to the ground level.

I realize the scale around the edge of the map is a bit large, especially without much cover, but how was it in the castle itself? It seemed like the stairs were a bit too long to get up to the CP. Maybe I can put some health on the platforms to help aid attackers, although I'm not sure if they need much more of an advantage since it went 3:0. Although I did like the suggestion of putting the final CP on the top-most platform.

Also I thought it was funny someone saying that the Trojan horses weren't in the castle and that didn't make sense, when Trojan horses weren't even in that time period in the first place. :D

Overall though, for the first time, I'm pretty happy about the initial test. Maybe I won't end up just putting this on the back burner for awhile


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 18, 2010
Looks very nice so far, but that horse made of brushes looked rather complicated, I thought it wasn't good for the engine having complex shapes, unless it's cut in a good way I cant see from the angles. Otherwise nice job and cool concept
Would it be melee only or weapons allowed medieval?
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