The Calypso Express

Bud Calypso

L1: Registered
Jul 28, 2015

I've already been around here for some weeks, so I thought it's time.

My real name is Budelbert Calypso, but this site discriminates names fated with high character count.
What a harsh welcome this was. Luckily a system doesn't only represent its participants.
Instead the habitants of "tftwomaps.netropoplis" provided an immigrant with patient and immediate support.
As this is yet a pretty one-sided relationship, I decided to at least introduce whom you are dealing with.
Hopefully stories of high character count get less discriminated than names. :)

The real McCoy:

I'm 32 years old and live in Germany. I grew up without Internet and kept some old-school scepticism towards it.
That's why you don't see my face on the picture, won't find a facebook- or any suchlike accounts of me.
So this thread is the only exception to this point. (feel honored now;)

Some rare aversions add to it: Web-Communities feel strange to me. Sometimes they are toxic, often sarcastic and/or childish.
But my biggest concern is the subtle development of replacing real life efforts for social interaction, I feel many tend to.
As this can happen to everyone, I take this for a reason to keep it to a minimum for me.
Another one is my aversion towards headsets. I tried it but it feels very strange to me talking to my screen.
You won't leave without a good laugh if we meet, but somehow I never was able to transfer this to the web.

I live in shared apartments with changing flatmates since I went to university 10 years ago.
This is very common in my town and more originated by the social aspect of it than the financial one.
About that time I was making short-films before youtube or HD even existed.
And still a bit after that. Here a video of a little event for kids which we organized in the last year that I was still living
in the small town where I originally come from (RV was the sh#t back in the days;): Part 1 ; Part2

TF2 was the first game that I played online. But this year's cities:skylines was the first one that made me create content.
I started with some assets filling the lack of accidents the game has (the Bystanders).
And took the next step by creating models with Blender which resulted in this.

Now I'm here and try to create something for the game that I played the most.
I can't promise to stick with you, but I promise to finish what I started: koth_jamrock

As I already made a few gameplay-videos I might attend to concentrate on that later on. So as I am a technical fool,
I might be able to give something back design-wise. No promise, but maybe I offer making videos for maps.
At least this is my first idea of give & take at the moment.

My principles already got stessed more than usual by now, so:
Whoever made it to the end of this post: Thx for reading.



Sep 5, 2014
Bud Calypso is a cool name. You should call yourself that more often. And I agree with what you're saying about the Internet, even though I grew up with it, being the filthy millennial that I am. yes I was born in 1996 but I don't remember anything from the 20th century


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Welcome, officially, Budelbert. Or willkommen, rather.


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Maybe he's a mysterious role player.

Bud Calypso

L1: Registered
Jul 28, 2015
You've put a lot more effort into this introduction than I've seen from most people.

As this is the first time I personally introduce myself online, I may overdrawn it.
I'm aware of the unspoken online-codes - 'guess I wanted to build a bridge between the screen and me.. and you.. and your screen.. ;)