The trigger_capture_areas start disabled, and are enabled upon setup end. Did you happen to remove the setup time and not change the start disabled setting?
The train prefab sounds like a good idea. Valve seemed to have left out well in their SDK update, in which the official vmf's were released. Both versions.
Explosions are models, I have no experience in modeling, along with the fact they generally need to be customized to the map itself to look good.
do not belong in TF2. If someone finds a way to make one work well in the gameflow, good for them. But I'm not going to encourage it with prefab boring elevators.And elevators?
There is no such thing as a "standard shape and size". Go take a look around at all the final points in PL maps, they're all different. There isn't any way to make a standardized explosion that won't end up with pieces going through walls or floating in the air.Not necessarily. If it's somewhat standardized in shape and size, people can always fit it to their map. I mean, that's what we do right now with Goldrush and Badwater, with exception for those few that know how to model.
And really, not all of them need custom models. You could make a set of pits using brushwork and displacement, along with TF2 props such as barrels and such. I for one would like to see and ending where the pit doesn't blow up, but rather maybe the track ends at the begging of a closed mineshaft filled with TNT and the explosion explodes outwards more then upwards.
They don't want us to know about the trainshmy: