
Slate b2

Feb 14, 2008
In a defence to that last point Randalf, and this case is true of all cp's except perhaps the first cp of Dustbowl where the CP resides within a small hut, but, is still viewable from the spawn exit. This is an important aspect of TF2 gameplay.. allowing players to know instantly where their goal lies.

What you can't see in screenshots like this is a defence such as SG's hidden around corners covering the point mowing down suicidal efferts such as that.

The general rule is that that objectives should be obvious. With some more detail added later i'm sure there will be more obvious defencive positions that would aid against such ninja moves.

The problem is though, that even with 2 sentries (as was shown last night), a demoman could still cap the point, being an insta-cap makes it very easy to do so.
Apr 19, 2009
The real problem is that the map is more like a cp map then a ptb map. If RED was given more cover like at the 2nd part of stage 2 and 3. Also as soon as the sentrys go down BLU has a chance to rush the next point and cap it without any sentries going up. The last point in the map is an exsample about how it is very easy to ninja spy cap when the sentry farm fails and even when they do not. Other than the flying Scotsmen slate is a fun map with a new twist on gameplay.

Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008
Sounds interesting.

I wonder if maybe having a cap time with intel would help. So even if you can rush in or demo jump in you still need to have someone holding intel on point for 10 sec. before it is actually capped.

Other wise it would be just like avanti. Maybe a larger map but fewer points to cap.

That all said with never seeing/playing them map.


Dec 5, 2007
I wonder if maybe having a cap time with intel would help. So even if you can rush in or demo jump in you still need to have someone holding intel on point for 10 sec. before it is actually capped.

my ONLY problem with this is it just turns it straight back into a cp map, if through testing it seems its not fun as hoped I can always fall back on just making it a standard cp map.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Oct 2, 2008
It would still be a ctf map because the only one who can cap is the person who holds the flag


Dec 5, 2007
updated to _a2 I'll run a test in a few hours

  • Dramatically reduced capture zone and increased the blocking area to greatly aid defence.
  • Adjusted spawn timers based on particular rounds ease of advance.
  • Reduced initial time as well as reducing the time added on subsequent captures.
  • Fixed the final point not being blocked by red.
  • Fixed resupply lockers.
  • Placed spectator cameras based on which round is in play and which points your team owns.


Feb 26, 2008
Played it, very fun, couple necessary things:
Limit time over all to 6:30. You NEVER need more than 6 minutes to prove you can hold a point.
Make flag respawn time like 15 seconds after a cap. Also make it return after 15 seconds. Edit: I think the return time is actually closer to that than I realized, nvm.

2nd cap on 3rd round never sees a defense.


Dec 5, 2007
Played it, very fun, couple necessary things:
Limit time over all to 6:30. You NEVER need more than 6 minutes to prove you can hold a point.
Make flag respawn time like 15 seconds after a cap. Also make it return after 15 seconds. Edit: I think the return time is actually closer to that than I realized, nvm.

Even with the reduced times it was still clocking up a lot of time?
Flag stays on the groun for 20 seconds but appears on the point only 5 seconds after capture, those are easily two of the things to chnage balance
2nd cap on 3rd round never sees a defense.
hmmm, ask shmitz what happened when we played. we had an inpenetrable defence of that point only to lose to a ninja spy after about 6 minutes of holding, how many times did you play? (32 man I assume?)


Feb 26, 2008

We've been playing this a lot as it is immensely fun with an admin around.

However: MAKE THE CAPS NOBUILD. 3rd tier dispenser on point = another horrible thing to work around. Point 1-2 is definitely the hardest. We usually allow the cap to be taken after a failed offense, because the other rounds are interesting. Try moving the high right exit further forward, opening up that window, etc. The window would help teh most.

Also, however the actual capture mechanism works, it's way too insensitive. We often run over the point after a legitimate fight and do not capture it. Extend the capture zone?

Edit: We sometimes win after Cap 2 on Stage 3??

Last edited:


Dec 5, 2007
Was it a change map event or just a team victory? if it was the first, it could be the config for the map, try setting the winlimit and flag capture limit to 0 and using roundlimit to trigger the change of map instead.
Also I'm too busy to fix up nobuilds and do the various other tweaks just now. I should have more time come mid june.


Dec 5, 2007
This seemed to have made it's way into the first post in this thread
Youme said:
This may come as a shock to some of you, and hopefully most of you. But I've not been entirely honest with you about the developement of this map and neither had An Icy Mouse. Now its crunch time I've decided to come clean.

An Icy Mouse [WOE]
a n i c y m o u s e w o e
How about if i rearrange them a bit??
i o n c e w a s y o u m e
I once was Youme

Yep. An Icy Mouse is me, YM, always has been me and as of now will only serve as my clean install of tf2 to test pakrating of maps. I decided i needed a break from being Youme for a while so i created an icy mouse as a pen name. When i had started I had hoped to completely shed Youme as my alias and become an icy mouse full time.

Things never work out quite how you plan but I did drop Youme, as many of you will notice I've been using just YM for the last few months, a full new alias wasn't quite right for me.

So with my confession I can gladly tell you slate is now within the boundaries of the ctf competition once more. Since icy and me are one and the same there is no issue of collaboration and in the last two weeks I've painstakingly undone all the work ZPQ contributed and replaced it with my own work.

So, ladies and Gentlemen, I proudly present my first alpine themed map, something i know some people will be rather happy about!!



L420: High Member
Feb 1, 2009
There are some major problems with this map. The first time we played the first area the blue team was unable to cap the second point. I'm not saying it was difficult, I am saying we were standing on it and it wouldn't cap.

We decided to give it another shot and besides the flag picked up sounds not working, we were able to get past the first area and try out the second area. The first point went fine, but when the blue team picked up the flag from the first point it instantly capped and they won. Red team was standing on the second point, blue team hadn't even walked off the first point with the flag and it was over.

We RTV'd after that. I'll post a demo later.


Feb 6, 2009
Haha, oh wow. I'm surprised I noticed this now.
