What I mean by making brushes in a robotic way is that it looks like game geometry is taken and split into brushes, instead of brushes that look like a real person made them. You'd think you'd see some nuances in the brush-work if it were the real source file, but it looks like compiled geometry was split up with a clipping tool.
And yes, I meant nodraw. The textures on the backs of brushes is sloppy. And in between brushes, you see the same somewhat-arbitrarily applied textures that you see when you use the clipping tool in hammer. Again, it's like a robot made it.
I'm not the only person that builds brushes in nodraw and then textures the sides I need, right? I just assumed most people did that because it keeps it as optimized as possible.
That, and you'd think if any maps would compile with no errors, they'd be Valve maps...