October 14, 2009 - Team Fortress 2 Update

Apr 19, 2009
Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

Team Fortress 2

Added "+quickswitch" command, which brings up a small panel allowing you to rapidly change the loadout of your current class & active weapon slot

Added server ConVar "tf_teamtalk" to allow alive/dead teammates to talk with each other during a match (default is 0)

Added 1/2 Bonus Point for healing a teammate with a dropped sandvich

Updated the class menu to show the local player's current class

Updated server ConVar "tf_playergib" to have 3 settings for player gibs: 0: never, 1: normal, 2: always (default is 1)

Updated "player_hurt" game event to include "damageamount" and "crit" values

Fixed a rare crash in particle system

Fixed being able to eat your sandvich (via taunt) and drop it in the same frame

Fixed not correctly remembering the last weapon if you're using "remember active weapon" and the last weapon was the weapon in slot 0

Fixed Medic not being able to release his ÃœberCharge if his team won the previous round and the Medigun was his last active weapon (while using "remember last active weapon")

Fixed not remembering the last active weapon correctly if the player didn't die before the next round restart

Prevented servers from using steam:// commands in their MOTD text

Fixed using the regen cabinets to get more health than you should when you switch between weapons with/without max health reduction attributes

Fixed friendly-fire/spectator exploit using projectiles

Fixed disguised spies not getting ammo from enemy dispensers

Fixed thrown sandvich traveling through players before being activated

Fixed sandviches sometimes spawning inside walls, or being thrown through thin walls

Fixed fire overlay drawing on hats in DX80

Fixed an exploit that allowed servers to corrupt client's item database

Fixed full packet updates showing cloaked Spies for an instant

Fixed a prediction error resulting in mis-predictions of crits

Community requests

Added new "func_flag_alert" entity that fires an alert when a player carrying a flag starts touching the entity

Added server ConVar "bot_crouch" to make bots crouch

Added model override for item_teamflag entity

Added ability to turn off particle trail for players carrying the item_teamflag entity

Updated team_train_watcher to support 8 cp/track links (was previously 4)

LOL Dam forum I can't post anymore in this thread.
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Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
Hot damn. The Flag update.
Aug 19, 2008
A/D Ctf Requests in October 14th update

Added new "func_flag_alert" entity that fires an alert when a player carrying a flag starts touching the entity

Added server ConVar "bot_crouch" to make bots crouch

Added model override for item_teamflag entity

Added ability to turn off particle trail for players carrying the item_teamflag entity

Updated team_train_watcher to support 8 cp/track links (was previously 4)


thank you Valve and Rexy ( i believe he wrote the mail, right?)

ABS, any way you could implement that into your fgd last minute before the contest ends?


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
Hooray!!!!! All our work will not go to waste! YAY!!!! So very pleased right now!

Now if I can get my sdk to update, I'll be in a right state.
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L420: High Member
Sep 2, 2008
Glad more serious issues are still around to fuck up any sort of special effects one might want to put into their map.

Also they didn't choose to include the updated watchtower I sent them..


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
I do believe they did the same thing with the updated Hoodoo. Just keep bugging them to include it in the next update.

uma plata

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 20, 2009
Valve has been kicking ass with the mapmaker requests recently. I believe thats the 3rd or 4th substantial update that's fixed things mapmakers have asked them about


A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
it won't. I'm sure it won't. it took them like a year to release an SDK update with all the things they added. You'll need to do it yourself or wait for me. Except I'm waiting for TF2 to update. Because it refuses to see it needs to -_-