PLR Nightfall

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L5: Dapper Member
Oct 9, 2009
Well, from playing it for a little while today the map seems pretty solid, there's only one or two things that jump out at me for the moment.


The first stage is filled with health pack, but this large crate on a spot that's mildy secluded means that a spy or scout or sniper can bother the enemy team pretty much forever and can skip back to their own base with ease if anyone tries to hunt them down. Maybe you were trying to help out enterprising support classes, but I'd scale it down to a medium.


The slope is great, and you should keep it definitely, but the bit at the very end is misleading, and anyone pushing from the front falls to an unfufilling death. I'd recommend having the rails jut out like in the picture, so no one is tempted to push from the front for that bit.

Good luck with your mapping!


L1111: Clipping Guru
Mar 2, 2009
RED Spawn, some of the walls are playerclipped, but not this one.
See that door on the right?
Doorway isn't aligned.
BLU Spawn, the metal sheet is in the fence.
RED Spawn, the metal sheet is in the fence.
The pipe goes into the wall weird.
Metal sheet is through the wall.
See the room on the right?
I can hide in the cart. I do not believe I can do so on the other team's side of the map, but I forget.
The spawn door goes through the roof.
This spawn door...
Isn't set up right. The door opens, but the prop doesn't show the animation.
Playerclip the fence better.
I'm on RED, but I'm right above BLU's spawn door, and can easily spawn camp.
Playerclip that roof's edge.


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
Works great, but it seems hard to catch up once a team gets a grip on stage 3.

Meh. Not really sure what to do with Stage 3. I don't think the roll forward idea is as good as I thought it would be but with less than 3 weeks left to get a beta out, I don't know what to do! :(


Jul 31, 2009
I must say it is very nice, the first two stages are very pretty and if the third follows...
I did notice that the stairs to the bridge-thingy-building over the two slopes are unclipped.
Also, the bomb doesn't dissapear after it explodes, which it theoretically should. Other than that, its looking good, and I hope to test it on a gameday sometime.


L3: Member
Aug 16, 2009
I'll begin by saying that I absolutely love this map.

Nightfall is the most fun I have had on a PLR map, both on gameday and on the French server I was playing on on Saturday. To me Stage 1 and 2 are absolutely perfect in terms of gameplay, balancing, and layout. The multiple yet still quick routes are a joy to be able to use as the time between spawning and fighting is not huge, which it can be in Pipeline if you take the backroutes.

Further to this, the first two stages are also wonderfully detailed, and free of the spamfest and war of attrition that Pipeline can become. There is a wonderful ability to flank, defend, attack, and disrupt on both these stages.

Stage Three is obviously going to be detailed, and from the looks of your work on Stage 1 and 2, its going to be just as beautiful. I'd also recommend extending the rails out as has been suggested to make it obvious that you will fall to your death if at the front.

During the gameday I believe the same team won stages 1 and 2 each time, giving them the advantage in Stage 3, and they won both times. I think this is right as it should be hard for a team thats lost both the first two stages to win the third stage. On the French server there was a level footing when starting stage 3 due to one victory each, and generally the team that got up, round the bend and starting descending first won each time, it was hard for the other team to stop them. Perhaps another route above the downhill descent accessible from each spawn like exists already would help there to be a closer race.

I found that when on Blue I think, though I'm not sure, I could not get access to the raised platform/building overlooking the final descent as the gates wouldn't open, but they would the other side for RED and an engineer built a tele, sentry, and dispenser up there. I'm not sure if this is intentionally done to only allow the losing team access to the upper level (as we were closing in on victory and Red hadn't begun a descent.) if it is intentional, then I think thats a good idea and the losing team should make more use of it.


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
You can't see the links? D:

I do now. I was looking for Stage 3 images in the wrong gallery. :facepalm: Thanks for all the images though. :)

Wegason said:
I found that when on Blue I think, though I'm not sure, I could not get access to the raised platform/building overlooking the final descent as the gates wouldn't open, but they would the other side for RED and an engineer built a tele, sentry, and dispenser up there. I'm not sure if this is intentionally done to only allow the losing team access to the upper level (as we were closing in on victory and Red hadn't begun a descent.) if it is intentional, then I think thats a good idea and the losing team should make more use of it.

That's intentional. The gates close for the first team to get to the slope first and only open up again when the other team get to the same point as well. I'm going to open the roof up so that sentries placed inside aren't ridiculously overpowered. It's quite a prominent position and it can be a right pain in the ass to remove a sentry once it's up to Level 2 because it has covers a very wide area. D:


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
So I've submitted a test version of Stage 3 to this Wednesday's Gameday. If all is well then I'll get it all ready in time for the contest. Otherwise I'll modify the stage so it's mostly uphill but try to base it on the existing layout as much as possible in terms of the routes, height differences, etc.

You can grab the test version here if you want it.


L1111: Clipping Guru
Mar 2, 2009
I was planning on doing a final sweep on all the contest maps before the end of the contest. If you've seen what I've done in other detailed maps, I go through a map on my own and find any rocket jump exploits, playerclip fails, displacement fails, misaligned props, weird lighting, etc. and provide screenshots of it all.

I was planning on doing it as soon as a new version of your map was released, but now that I notice there are only 15 days left, I didn't want to find out that a map was updated, go through it, and then find out that since there are only x days left, a new version wouldn't be submitted to the contest, thus my work not as useful as it could be (that is, I'm implying that you will finish your map even after the contest).

So message me on Steam (my name is littleedge), find me in the chat (between 3 and 9 pm ET), pm me here, or reply in this thread if you want me to go through your map in the current version, or do it in your next version. Or if you don't want me to go through it at all, and anything i come upon in a Gameday is enough.


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
You might as well go through Stages 1 and 2 now. They'll remain relatively unchanged in the next version.


L4: Comfortable Member
Aug 16, 2009
Played this on game testing, even though the end stage wasnt complete, i loved the whole map in general. You got that "feel" about the map where you dont have too many qualms about it, and its a nice map to play. Great fps / optimisation so far, nice gameplay and flow, many classic "plr_ sneaky routes" and to even compare this map to pipeline would be so bad to do so, as i personally (and alot of others probably feel the same) would happily swap out pipeline as an official for the final version of nightfall when its out :)

Psy, keep up the great work, great map and im looking forward to seeing this on alot of servers due to teh quality :)