

Jan 6, 2008
Ah, the stop sign. Nothing I can do about that except removing the sign altogether, but then there won't be one on the outside. So I'm just following Granary's example.

And yeah, cap time in the mid is going up from 8 to 9 (it was 9 seconds in a9). I may make it 10 seconds, even, if that's not enough.

Also, quick poll for anyone who cares: Is cp_mudslide a better name? I certainly think so, because it makes more sense than a f'ing spa, not to mention TF2 lacks the naked women I need for a mudbath.


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
For the stop sign you could always use the default door skin and put the stop sign onto a func_brush. Turn it on/off as needed.


Oct 30, 2008
The first forward spawn seems so weird to be. You're forced into an odd zigzagging route, coming face-to-face with the second forward spawn of the other team, and in front of a huge arrow immediately. Can't it be turned to face the middle point?


Jan 6, 2008
I'm not quite sure what you mean, Tinker. I don't know which huge arrow you're talking about, not to mention it does face the middle point. :/


Oct 30, 2008
The huge arrow immediately when you walk out of the spawn? The arrow points to the middle, but the spawn does not.

I don't know, it just seemed that from that spawn to mid it was a weird, zigzaggy walk.


L5: Dapper Member
Apr 24, 2008
Tinker I think you are meaning the spawn which I said was too bright in the last page (the one near the mid-point)? There is a huge sign that appears right in front of the spawn room. I can't think of any other spawn rooms with a huge sign in front of it.


Jan 6, 2008
Umm. The door for the first forward spawn points to the middle, the arrow inside the spawn also does. Don't see anythng wrong with that.

The door for the second forward spawn does not point in the right direction. This might be the spawn you're thinking about, although this arrow actually points away from the middle, so I'm still not entirely following you.

EDIT: Either way, the final product will end up having all spawns facing the right way, it's just that I'm not doing it right now because it's not exactly a pressing issue, I think. :p


Jan 6, 2008
cp_mudbath_a11 released!
- Decreased spawn time for the winning team when attacking the last point.
- Fixed some bad clipping on a staircase by BLU's 2nd point.
- Fixed a displacement going through a wall by the 2nd point.
- Widened a doorway and added a window next to it by the 2nd point, to weaken a sentry spot.
- Added a small ramp between two buildings near the 2nd point to make flanking easier.
- Increased cap time of the middle, back to 9 seconds.
- Added a tree to make it more obvious that you can't stand on the highest spires in the middle.
- Fixed getting stuck by a ramp in the middle.
- Decreased light brightness in the forward spawns by the middle.
- Moved the middle's health/ammo around a little, so there won't be 3 ammo packs in a straight line.
- Added some more useful signs here and there.

Next update is likely to have textures and more elaborate optimisation, unless I find something else I really need to improve a lot.


Jan 6, 2008
All right, not much of a success this gameday either. Textures may have to wait. The main issue is that the middle cap seemed too easy to capture back now. It's a complete turnabout from my previous problem (middle was impossible to capture back), which is odd. I guess I should never have been so forgiving and give the losing team more avdantages. I took some notes for what I need to change:

- Increase cap time for the middle even more. I'm going from 9 to 10 this time, never been that high.
- Maybe increase cap time for 2nd and last.
- Add resupply closets so people can change weapons in spawn.

And, well, I have to think of a way to generally enable the winning team to capture the 2nd point faster. Ideas would be swell.

EDIT: Next map I release may be called cp_mudslide_a12, by the way.


L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
we got small testing of a11.
some comments:
-distance from 2nd point to first seemed shorter then from spawn to 1st, so if players of deffending team got killed at 2nd, they wont get a chance to come to 1st point, it will be rush-capped.

-there should be a warning sign on lowest level on mid cap that if you jump down there you will die

-mid is absolutely SG unfriendly, other caps are better but still hardly any good SG spots

also here is an issue we found


Jan 6, 2008
we got small testing of a11.
some comments:
-distance from 2nd point to first seemed shorter then from spawn to 1st, so if players of deffending team got killed at 2nd, they wont get a chance to come to 1st point, it will be rush-capped.
Being able to rush-cap is a good thing in my opinion. The last cap should never be easy to defend - as a matter of fact, I'm still trying to make it easier to capture, because I believe this is what's causing the biggest stalemates at the moment.

-there should be a warning sign on lowest level on mid cap that if you jump down there you will die
That'll be added.

-mid is absolutely SG unfriendly, other caps are better but still hardly any good SG spots
I suppose you're right about the middle, so I might try to cook up something there. The thing about 5CP maps, though, is that for the most part they're supposed to be hard to defend with Sentry guns, because they rely so much on back-and-forth switching, dynamic gameplay rather than trying to break through a choke.

also here is an issue we found
Thanks, that will be fixed.


Aug 31, 2008
Loved the map, it might seem a bit confusing at start but its not an big problem.
Um i don't know was it me or not, but the map lacks signs.. Yes there are many of them already, but i got lost 2 times..

Also i loved the detailing in spawns.


Jan 6, 2008
All right, gameday went very well (well, with the map in mind, not the fact that the test got cut into two pieces :p), which is actually quite bad for me considering that last time we played a11 everything went horribly wrong and it became one big stalemate. So I have two tests (that I have been able to attend) that both gave polar opposite results.

I think I'll wait for cC to do their a11 test, unless that takes a while, in which case I'll just release a12 with some minor adjustments.

Dunno about the signs, really... I already have quite a lot, so it might be more of an issue of subtle visual guidance (tire tracks and other stuff on the ground to follow, highlighted doorways, etc). When I start detailing I'll add lots of stuff like that - after all, I don't want to clutter the whole place with tons of signs.

EDIT: Also, this is my 1337th post. \o/
Last edited:


Jan 6, 2008
Sure, that would be great. I don't think a12 will take a lot of time to make once I get my lazy ass around to it, I may even have it ready tomorrow. Just so you know.


Jan 6, 2008
Soo, yeah, school's suddenly made me very busy again. And the swamp contest, and koth_shell (side project)...and a little bit of WoW. :p So it took me more than 2 weeks to get this version out. Not the way I want to work.

Either way, here it is. And it has a new name! Mudslide. Yay. Anyway, there aren't a lot of changes, just a couple of tiny issues I fixed to get back on track. I know there's more to fix, and Mangy was kind enough to get the map tested the other day - I still haven't seen the demo (assuming there was one :p). Anyway, without further ado...

cp_mudslide_a12 released!
- Renamed map from cp_mudbath to cp_mudslide.
- Increased cap time of the middle point from 9 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Added a warning sign by the middle's death pits.
- Made it easier to get from the middle capture area to the lowest rocky plateu.
- Lowered the square blocks right next to the middle point so you can access them from the point.
- By popular demand, made the highest rocky plateus available in the middle.
- Fixed capping the 2nd point from the balcony above.
- Added a glass window by the final cap to make its location clear to see for players coming from their first spawn.
- Improved details and lighting in RED spawn.

