
MVM Minceraft A13


Sep 3, 2018
Seeing as it is a medieval MvM map (I'm working on one of the same too), I had to know how you did what you did with the custom colors and the other doodads. I hope it was ok that I found out more by looking into the map!

Just so I don't ogle this thing to death, I'll just say where can I test this map with other people? It looks really exciting.


L2: Junior Member
Aug 25, 2018
To enable custom colors on robots, add a trigger that covers the entire map, using a filter for specified robot tag, then when robot touches change the robot's color.

The map is often tested and played on Potato's MVM discord group.


Sep 3, 2018
Hey! I just tested this, and I think it's so inspiring from a mapper point of view. Here is some crits + feedback

  • You mentioned you couldn't reduce spell damage, but in fact you can. Here is the guide I wanted to point you toward: https://tf2maps.net/threads/guide-p...d-other-damage-types-for-medieval-mode.37932/
  • I think this area should be opened up so players can jump over it (and maybe add a spawn func_respawnroomvisualizer that enables/disables if the TNT is capped? That way the bots can't just jump over the wall somehow with a player casting the Bats spell on them). This area: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1724272872
  • Wave 4: I think the mob had too many spells. Just an opinion that I think you could be aware of. I think this can be kept as long as there are resists for it. (I also thought spells from the bots was a little overwhelming visually)
  • Wave 7: The boss' HP could probably be nerfed a lot, it did seem excessive. Maybe add more support to compensate?
  • On the custom upgrades: I think that you could remove the ammo upgrade for the Huntsman/Crossbow and move the Mini-Crits on Kill there. Ammo should be more spread out, though, or they could trade places? (i.e. Ammo goes in Body Upgrades, Mini-Crits on Kill goes on Weapon Upgrades)
  • Visuals: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1724272456 The fire (and smoke) was very laggy in this area and pathway, to where I got less than 10 FPS.
I'd have to play the map again to give more feedback, but honestly it's pretty solid.


L2: Junior Member
Aug 25, 2018
  • Fixed missing upgrades when custom upgrades file is missing
  • Reduced enderman count on wave 7
  • Slimes on wave 3 appear faster
  • Reduced damage of Pigman zombies and Wither skeletons
  • Increased cooldown of engineer spells
  • Increased cooldown of witch spells
  • Decreased duration of lightning orb spell

Read the rest of this update entry...


L2: Junior Member
Nov 26, 2018
I honestly feel you shouldn't butch this map to meet tf2-standards. I've said this before and I'll say it again:

This is a very unique map, it stands out, and I'd hate for it to became a generic tf2 map.
^this is what you plan to do from what you've said on your potato tf submission


L2: Junior Member
Aug 25, 2018
No matter how much i would like to keep the current minecraft style, i don't think it is serious enough to be included in MM. It might come back as an april's fool submission. Right now i am thinking of remaking hillside into halloween map, that will serve for as my submission

Ralph The Frog

L1: Registered
Jul 11, 2022
I put the pop files in my population folder, but when I launch the map on my server it still says wave 0. Is there a particular reason for this, because I do not have this issue with other maps. Thanks.