Melee Fort


The Asylum

So it appears as though the Gun Mettle update un-broke Melee Fort.

Remember way back, when the Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol FUBAR'd the resupply lockers? Yeah, now Valve's gone and taken away the health bonus that scouts exploited with the weapon stripper to gain millions of HP.

I bet you'd expect me to be doing a little dance of joy. Well, all you're getting is a shrug.

I've been doing this damn thing for over 4 years now. 5 if you count my recent sabbatical. And comparing the TF2 landscape of yesteryear to present day, the funmap scene just seems.... dead. 2f2f is in shambles, calculatedChaos is all but barren, and the other "Fun" severs just seem to be running whatever shitty orange map 24/7.

Sad as it is to admit, there may just not be that niche market for maps like Melee Fort anymore.

Maybe it's time to grow up.

The Asylum

Indeed, it is. I so dearly wanted Melee Fort to thrive, but I think all the important developments (Engineer building, failsafe system, etc) just came too late. I may release just one more build, peddle my wares around the web, and see what takes root. Otherwise, I think I'll be having to wait for Team Fortress 3.

Then again, I may just completely re-design Melee Fort with all gametypes considered, instead of cannibalising old gametypes to repurpose them into newer ones. We'll see.

The Asylum


After a very extended absence, Melee Fort made it's return to April Foolsday, and the old bird's age it seems has finally caught up to her. Melee Fort's delinquent elder brother Meleefort began in 2008, 2 years before being scrapped and reborn as Melee Fort. People were wondering what this relic of a map was doing in 2019, and I was lost for an answer.

The variant we played was CP, one that I really wanted to see how the relocated 2nd-last points worked out. My intention to draw more people into the L-Hallways worked like a charm- but getting people to find the point in the first place was a bit of a doozy. Back in the day, I was elated to cannibalize and repurpose existing Melee Fort gametypes into new ones like PLR and SD and brag about my mapping prowess. Now, I'm seeing the error of my ways.

Perhaps one of the reasons why Melee Fort had difficulty catching on was that nobody really knew what it wanted to be. Using one restrictive layout may have worked for one gametype, but would end up crippling others and robbing them of what they could have potentially been. Had I made them all separate maps, all separate identities, I could have done more things with them. Things that don't exist- things that couldn't exist, within the confines of Melee Fort. Perhaps less really is more.

Will we be seeing a revival of Melee Fort? No, not in the foreseeable future, anyway. The TF2 era of Melee Fort is finally done for good.

Goodnight, sweet prince. And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.


Former cheese man Gorgonzola
Feb 18, 2012
After all these years, I'm glad I finally got the chance to play it this April Foolsday.
It always felt like one of those arcane, cornerstone TF2 maps you kept seeing over the years, but you never had the chance to try out.


Mar 3, 2024
it's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack......

@Katsu! :3 's most favorite maps of all time are making a comeback! KOTH Melee Fort makes it's first appearance in about a decade with the brand new A17 build!


This is the current solution to CP Melee Fort's second point problem. Still inside the hallway, now it's much more visible. Don't know what I'll do with those little alcoves now. Maybe keep them as a teleporter nest opportunity.

Gonna start releasing maps incrementally, at least until Compile Pal is fixed, starting with least amount of custom content to most amount of custom content. Also, versions with Titantrons have lowest priority, since I'm not entirely sure yet how I'm going to work them in yet. Sure, the soundscape system I've got now works most of the time, but I think I should finally get it working as intended before we finally- FINALLY, make the leap to beta.


Mar 3, 2024
so uh, changelog, yeah.

CHANGES FROM A16 (that I can remember)
-- Compatibility with 64-Bit update
-- The Half Zatoichi is back on the whitelist.
-- Fixed issues with Titantrons functioning strangely. Fuck off, soundscapes, it's back to ambient_generics.
-- Added some additional nobuild brushes in prime Griefgineer places
-- Fuck off, DM Melee Fort. BALEETED!
-- Added a cage around the top of the Slobberknocker Storehouse point.
-- Changed the overlay in the middle to something more... appropriate
-- Meet the new DM Melee Fort! It's basically the same thing, only now with an objective
-- Some additional ramps and clipping to make navigating the mess in the middle easier

There's probably more, but it's been a decade or so since A16 and I lost the original changelog a looooooong time ago, so.... yeah. That's basically it.

....whuzzat? Melee Fort Event? Oh no, I haven't forgotten about that one. It's still cooking. Probably will be either until I can scrape together enough money to afford some halfway decent picture editing software again for the Titantrons, or Halloween rolls around again. Probably gonna be Halloween. That's the upside of taking this project up again- we can go several months to years between updates, instead of every handful of weeks. Remember those days? Otherwise, Melee Fort Event's A17 build is done.
Last edited:


Mar 3, 2024
you know i was going to sit on this until april next year but fuck it we're doing it RIGHT NOW

LADDER MATCH Melee Fort makes it's debut! The Titantrons feature Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow - A Light in the Black for BLU, and Judas Priest - Sinner for RED.


So the objective is to climb the other team's ladder and "capture" the point on top- by which I mean "unlock the briefcase." Hitting the ladder topples it down, hitting it again sets it back up again. So its in your best interests to keep your ladder down, and the enemy's ladder up.

Will this be a smash hit? Fuck if I know. This is all 100% experimental and very much uncharted territory, I dare say nothing like this has ever been seen in TF2 before. Obviously, I hope it does work. But with nothing to compare it to, shit, man, I dunno. Its a wild stab in the dark. Let's hope I hit something.



Mar 3, 2024
15 it's not good. It is very much not good. Which is bad. Well, in it's current state, anyway. You guys have no idea just how much I wanted a ladder match gimmick to work. I would have thought that people would have been smar- I mean, uh, "logical" enough to deduce that hitting the ladder when a teammate is already at the top would be a bad idea, and yet we got nearly 10 minutes of "HAHA LADER GO UP DOWN UP DOWN hold down mouse 1 BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM"

That and maybe the capture time was too long. There were a few moments where they got halfway through a capture, so, maybe this gimmick isn't quite dead just yet. We'll see.


the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
The ladder thing sounds based as fuck and it's imperative that you keep it at all costs.
A simple way to stop people from repeatedly hitting the ladder instead of playing the game would be to add a brief (5-10 s) cooldown period where while it's on the ground, you can't set it back up again.
You could visualise this easily for players by setting the ladder to be semitransparent during the period where it can't be set back up.

This would also provide players with a semi-interesting choice - drop the ladder BEFORE enemies arrive and risk them just immediately setting it back up, or drop the ladder the moment they arrive and get more value out of the cooldown.
The effect of this would be more pronounced if you also had a brief (about half as long as the other one) cooldown after the ladder is set up before it can be dropped again.


Mar 3, 2024
alright fuck it it's melee fort event time whoooooooooooo


  • added MAOR LIGHTS
  • The prison cells get some occupants....
  • Titantrons are finally implemented! BLU gets Michael Jackson's Billie Jean, and RED gets MJ's Beat It