Map Test Gameday 10 Jan 2009


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
I agree, I thought numbers were better than last week's gameday.


Dec 5, 2007
Well the crashes this time were completely unrelated to the usual arena issues...


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Oct 26, 2007
Glad to hear it went well. Sorry I couldnt make it, but after I got back from work we had a "scheduled blackout" till 4PM ... but I took a nap until 5 minutes ago :p.

Me not posting the usual "Schedule Times are in Eastern standard" was a big mistake on my part, I apologize for the confusion.


L13: Stunning Member
Feb 20, 2008
so fix one error and uncover another...
its undeniable that fairly new customs tend to be a bit volatile to servers, but the server wasn't exactly performing at its best today either, an unusual number of lag spikes for one thing...
what map was it before/during the crash?

also...immortal still needs to adjust arena so the game doesn't end after one round, and so voting doesn't come up...i still say to set the config_arena to use maplist.txt instead of whatever the arena map equivalent is

Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008
I thought it went pretty good too.

Unfortunately I was mapping before start time and when I checked servers we were already on the second map. By the time I got on the 3rd had loaded up.

There was a weird crash when Youme's map was loaded. I timed out so not sure if it was my connection or server.

Ikarus's map had some weird lag.

And for some reason I didn't 'have' the last map and there wasn't a quick dl so I got booted.
I agree that the exploiting might've been a bit much in Villa, but it was only a 20 min slot and he knows that needs fixed so...
I did it too, after trying to defend that point for 5 minutes I figured I might as well join the fun.

Still, I think some people might lose track of what the gameday is all about. A few people complained about having to play this or that map...or gamemode....

It is a MAP TEST DAY. So I think everyone should be aware that the purpose isn't focused soley on gameplay or what they think is the best gamemode. But more about how the maps play for their gamemode type.
And then offer feedback on that for what it's worth. This helps the mapping community develop as a whole, helps people improve maps so when we do join a server for custom maps we get more quality maps.

It's not about playing your favorite map all day. There are tons of servers that server that purpose 24/7.

I appreciate having a few minutes with players to see how the map plays out, it's a service that is hard to find

blah blah blah


Jan 6, 2008
Well, I didn't get to experience a lot of this gameday, since I kept being dropped off the server due to crashes, and it was constantly full. I was joking about kicking random visitors, but I hope no one took that as a genuine suggestion. It was upsetting not to be able to get in, but I have no idea what to do about it.


L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 2, 2009
I would really really really like it if alltalk could be turned off. With 12 people on each side I couldn't really catch what was going on half the time.


Dec 5, 2007
I would really really really like it if alltalk could be turned off. With 12 people on each side I couldn't really catch what was going on half the time.

I'm personally against this. 50% of the bugs people find whilst they're pn the other team and its so much easier for them to just say it than type it - on top of this with alltalk turned off any team chat gets diminished tenfold making for a much less useful (and fun) gameday


Sep 10, 2008
I really like the earlier start.

Perhaps not at 12:00, but maybe 1:00. It gave me lots more time to play before I needed to go. Additionally, the server filled pretty fast.

Having only 20 minutes cut short most maps, but I think it's enough to collect data regardless.


Quack Doctor
May 19, 2008
This is probably one of the best gamedays we've ever had. The server stayed full through the entire thing (17 maps!), no one get tired or bored of playing since the map playtimes were short, and the earlier start meant people weren't being forced to leave for dinner and sleep.


Dec 5, 2007
and the earlier start meant people weren't being forced to leave for dinner and sleep.
Actually this is far from true, lots of people left to eat (I myself didnt play for the first 2 maps because I was eating) but there were always lots of people to take their place as soon as anyone left so it didnt matter :D


L4: Comfortable Member
Nov 14, 2008
I had to leave after my map played for a scrim (much to my chagrin), but I definatly enjoyed playing with you folks.

20 minutes seemed a little short for some of the bigger maps, but I will admit it was not boring in any way, shape, or form.


L13: Stunning Member
Feb 20, 2008
Actually this is far from true, lots of people left to eat (I myself didnt play for the first 2 maps because I was eating) but there were always lots of people to take their place as soon as anyone left so it didnt matter :D

this is something id like to address...its very irritating when you are sitting with the autojoin thing on for 2 full maps (i wanted to try smog/waste) then see when you finally get in, 3 people are just sitting on spec...the autokicker on the server needs to be a bit more strict


L420: High Member
Aug 10, 2008
Did we skip stovepipe? I remember we went from Halfacre to Swift, not to Stovepipe then Swift.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Oct 26, 2007
As far as people waiting for the server to have an open slot, its a problem, but a better problem then the server dieing and people not getting adequate map testing.
Afk kicking will need to be stepped up a little UNLESS the afk is a mapper who's map is coming up, and they should not abuse that privilege....I.E. go afk for more than 5-6 minutes

As far as 20 minute timeslots go, they will only be shortened to 20 if we have more then 10 maps, but gameday seems to be very popular lately so we may need to get used to it.


Jan 6, 2008
Oh yeah, the earlier start is ace. It gives me time to play a bit more before I get too sleepy.


L13: Stunning Member
Feb 20, 2008
As far as people waiting for the server to have an open slot, its a problem, but a better problem then the server dieing and people not getting adequate map testing.
Afk kicking will need to be stepped up a little UNLESS the afk is a mapper who's map is coming up, and they should not abuse that privilege....I.E. go afk for more than 5-6 minutes

from previous testing im reasonably sure the afk kicker is set at 15mins

in my opinion the only reason to be in spec mode is if its your own map and the comments are flying at you so fast you don't have a chance to play...Im going to say the majority of the maps being tested are looking to see how the gameplay works, and you are not helping that by searching the map for little visual errors the mapper is likely aware of anyways...I suppose its possible that you are watching the gameplay...but that should be the job of the mapper

on the note of getting gameplay sourcetv working? If not iim coming after you immortal and we're getting that fixed as well...
if it is working then someone with ftp access should upload the ones recorded last gameday, or ask if anyone wants the demo of their map so you only upload the needed ones and save time and bandwidth
and just an aside...i just found out this weekend that coreftp allows you to transfer files directly form one server to another...its an amazing timesaver, especially if your upload sucks
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Sep 10, 2008
20 minutes isn't enough time to have a full game, but it is certainly enough time to gather sufficient gameplay data IMO.

Totally worth it if it means we get more slots.