As far as people waiting for the server to have an open slot, its a problem, but a better problem then the server dieing and people not getting adequate map testing.
Afk kicking will need to be stepped up a little UNLESS the afk is a mapper who's map is coming up, and they should not abuse that privilege....I.E. go afk for more than 5-6 minutes
from previous testing im reasonably sure the afk kicker is set at 15mins
in my opinion the only reason to be in spec mode is if its your own map and the comments are flying at you so fast you don't have a chance to play...Im going to say the majority of the maps being tested are looking to see how the gameplay works, and you are not helping that by searching the map for little visual errors the mapper is likely aware of anyways...I suppose its possible that you are watching the gameplay...but that should be the job of the mapper
on the note of getting gameplay sourcetv working? If not iim coming after you immortal and we're getting that fixed as well...
if it is working then someone with ftp access should upload the ones recorded last gameday, or ask if anyone wants the demo of their map so you only upload the needed ones and save time and bandwidth
and just an aside...i just found out this weekend that coreftp allows you to transfer files directly form one server to another...its an amazing timesaver, especially if your upload sucks