Ay Nesman, I said I'd do it, so here's some high velocity thoughts on Laborde.
A and B are really strong points, and the lead up to them is good as well. I really like the dynamic between Red and Blu in the first half of the map. It is some fine pub gameplay happening there.
I feel that the map kinda falls apart after B though. C doesn't feel very well defined at all compared to the previous points. Like the best spot for a sentry is infront of a junk ramp, and the position doesn't feel very fun to defend. Compared to how well connected everything in the first half of the map was, you just kinda get dumped off at C.
The leadup to D is especially weak, cause it just kinda feels like outdoor corridors. Thin paths between buildings with some side areas.
D itself is hard to attack cause all the routes leading into it are really narrow and unsafe. The main route is just asking to be camped by Snipers, the left route puts you at the mercy of a deathpit, and the right route is super committal because you have to use a dropdown. 3 Engineers was enough to completely shut down D because the tight doorways into D really benefitted area denial.
I feel that C could use a rework to give it a more defined structure, and D could use some major changes to widen options for attackers.
A and B are really strong points, and the lead up to them is good as well. I really like the dynamic between Red and Blu in the first half of the map. It is some fine pub gameplay happening there.
I feel that the map kinda falls apart after B though. C doesn't feel very well defined at all compared to the previous points. Like the best spot for a sentry is infront of a junk ramp, and the position doesn't feel very fun to defend. Compared to how well connected everything in the first half of the map was, you just kinda get dumped off at C.
The leadup to D is especially weak, cause it just kinda feels like outdoor corridors. Thin paths between buildings with some side areas.
D itself is hard to attack cause all the routes leading into it are really narrow and unsafe. The main route is just asking to be camped by Snipers, the left route puts you at the mercy of a deathpit, and the right route is super committal because you have to use a dropdown. 3 Engineers was enough to completely shut down D because the tight doorways into D really benefitted area denial.
I feel that C could use a rework to give it a more defined structure, and D could use some major changes to widen options for attackers.