
PL Laborde a39b


master of fast travel
Jun 27, 2016
Some thoughts I want to get written down and discuss.
Recently it has become more obvious how corridory the map is. Here is some concept ideas I am having to help open the gameplay area up and place it outside. I am primarily referencing Post-A-Pre-B courtyard where all the routes are corridors. An idea is to open up the lower left flank and place it outside.

A more detailed version of the current inside area outside. The red thing is a fence that would prevent snipers from abusing that area and basically deny them from overlooking the entire area of the map. Orange area is the project outdoor space while the blue is what stays inside.

Another section in this courtyard was the right flank that leads to the lower B area. It might be worth it to open this doorway up instead of having it outside now looking at this idea.

Any feedback on the concept is welcomed.


master of fast travel
Jun 27, 2016
some more thoughts after a22b recent testing session I want to get written down.

Pre-A-Courtyard is all relatively on the same plane and could use a rework introducing more height variation. Currently playing spy in the area is damned near impossible. Defending it is interesting and could use some improvements such as cover. Might introduce a cliff ish area that has rocks and duck away areas where the small building with the tanks is. Badwater has a good example of this with the height to the left of BLU spawn.

A Point. It played odd, almost felt disorganized. I dont know if this is from how tight the flanks are or if it was team composition, but it definitely felt off. Might look into restructuring the flanks and attacking routes.

Post-A-Pre-B. The area felt cluttered in a sense as red was able to use the rock coverage to their advantage as BLU did not have a good route to outflank that cover. Might look at opening the area up (see above post) while re adjusting the routes near BLU's forward spawn.

B Point. Went quickly. I am not sure if this was because RED was holding at the Rock outside of B and didnt have time to recover or because of the routes and spawntimes.

Post B Cliff. This area played well as it gave RED team a buffer zone to recover from losing B point.

Pre-C/C. This area had issues. Outflanking sentries needs improvements. Route angles need improvements. The overall consensus was when BLU is attacking they have to do an almost 180 to attack where red is defending or go out of the way in an almost roundabout like way to use the other routes provided. The Routes and attacking angles need work. BLU also needs better health kit placement other than small kits. The turbine room also felt really corridory and straight. This room should probably get a rework as it made it a pain for BLU to push past RED.

Post-C-Bridge-Courtyard. This area did not see much RED action which is expected as they just lost the C point and are recovering.

Pre-Last Inside. This area kept switching between RED and BLU control and towards the end of the testing was mostly RED dominated. The cliff route needs some tweaking to allow BLU better access and a better flank route onto last.

Last. Sentries. Oh lord the sentries are too powerful and need a better way to out flank them. The crate spot was able to be out flank but the spot under the balcony was extremely hard to attack. Spy usefulness was 0%.

This is some of the feedback I got and am welcome anymore anyone has.


master of fast travel
Jun 27, 2016
some thoughts after a23b testing.

First round:
Blu team rolled as red did not defend enough. Was determined teams more or less.

Second round:
Blu could not push past Pre B. This was because of a sentry placed in bluforward hallway and rugged defense. Might look at adding a flank to that area for blu. The flank would come out around the hallway for the spawnroom that is in this courtyard and start in the stairway area at A.

Third round:
Blu could not cap A/when they did they could not pass the cp. This seemed to be team balanced but I also thought about how blu has rotate from the flank (looking from blu spawn) on the right to the flank on the left. The current layout makes it rather difficult to move from where the cart it to the flanks. Im looking at adding a room under the left flank that can act as a flank and as a spy or team gathering area. Health placement was also questionable especially when in that same left flank. Red could take advantage of being protected in a room with health and push blu out and away from it. Would be a good idea to move that health and ammo to just outside that room by the train dock to allow for a risk/reward scenario.

more feedback is also welcome!


master of fast travel
Jun 27, 2016
-added some health and ammo in areas
-added structure thingy high ground for blu attacking B
-moved blu spawn at C
-added door for turntable
-removed stairs at C
-removed outer route to C
-added windows at Pre-Pre-Last
-added garage door looking onto C
-made it "easier" for red to hold C
-opened up upper blu flank at last
-made upper flank more obvious
-raised blu primary spawn exit to avoide sightlines
-covered some sightlines with rocks

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