a33b Notes
First Test Notes – EU Server
Final Area – I might redesign it again.
Some thoughts
- Comparing to other payload lasts the area is quite small and cramped.
- The cart path is a straight corridor but seems to be working.
- Red has a hard time holding upper.
- The design just feels bad with current layout.
- Revert to similar cart path like in a15 with the indoor borneoish last (the S curve path makes for less of a long cart corridor).
o Feedback for that version Ido left a15(?).
o “The routes at last for blue are not very good. The main route feels correct, but the other two are both really easy to spam out. The inside route that red has to jump for is no longer quite as good for red pushing forward, but its still just about useless for blue, and the only other flank just delivers you directly next to the main route and is hardly a flank (not to mention, it takes the longest to walk there of any route).”
Rotating on last was weird for red.
- It was hard for them to go from the lower area to the upper flank blu has entering the area.
Pit could be pushed further back towards reds spawn.
Pit could use a little baby ramp for a rollback zone.
Point A
Flank at A felt weird too.
- If red knew to hold it well, they could shutdown blu from pushing into A.
o Might make sense to boost health kits or make it harder for red to push into that area.
- It appeared blu was not using the other flank too well.
o Why is that? Health/Ammo? Strategic advantage?
§ The route either spits you out at the level of the sentry spot or back into the cart path offering no real advantage for flanking.
Odd things
Door out of red primary spawn is too slow for scouts still.
Roof outside of blu primary seems like you can jump on it????
First round people were having issues where players could get behind easily.
- Didn't seem to happen that much in other rounds?
o Could be possible first round issue.
Second Test Notes – US Server
Point A
Red seems to hold that outside side flank and shut blu down from pushing in.
- The other route seems kind of useless.
- One blu got pushed out of that only good flank they could not take A or push back in.
- Bad sightline from the crate corner all the way to blu spawn
- Is red using the lower stairs to access that flank or is it the crate?
Point C
- Either add more time when C is capped or make A more blu sided.
Last point
- Remove or move large ammo where sentry spot is on last that’s OP.