-door stuckn't
-gave blu more time after capping C
-improved high ground at C
-improved blu routing after C with the choke
-adjusted health/ammo kits at C choke
-fixed door clipping at A
-textured a building
-moved pit further back at last
-added little ramp at last
-added one way for Blu's main flank.
-fixed skill jump leading to one of Blu's flanks.
-adjusted ammo on last.

Hopefully this allows Blu to get to last so I can get data on it
Probably my last attempt unless I get hit in the face with inspiration to fix this last.

-moved cliff route
-flatted blu upper
-gave red more areas to defend from on last
-buffed engineer spots on last
-added door at C that opens slowly when C is capped for a better path to last
-optimized heavily
-threw some textures on blu spawn
- Updated B to allow for blu to rotate quicker
- Updated spawn times
- Added route for Blu on Last to rotate easier
- Removed sightline with the wall at last
- Shrunk the lobby outside of last
- Moved pit further into Reds territory
-added flank to B
-fixed red spawn so its "less confusing"
-fixed stickies rolling off the building in blu spawn courtyard

have not gotten to last so it is the same as a31, enjoy the sightlines ;;;)
-improved engineer gameplay on all points
-adjusted upper route to A
-removed windows at B
-moved BLU spawn that enabled after C to before C for better player flow
-added timed door that opens once C is capped for better player flow
-added route on last to allow RED to attack BLU's high ground easier
-moved BLU's lower attack flank on last to where the corridor is allowing for ease of pushing the cart
-add health/ammo and adjusted various placements
-compiled with clipping this time
- reworked last
- added underground route
- added upper route
- updated cliff

-rework courtyard prior to last
-its outdoors now
-player flow is "better"


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-gave RED more of a high ground at last
-consolidated health/ammo
-changed respawn times
-added flank for RED at C but not overpowering for RED