Kinder (Payload)

PL Kinder (Payload) b17


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
This map seems pretty rushed. Here's some feedback.

-The transition between concrete and wood here just looks odd. Why not make the whole thing one or the other?
-I can hide buildings in these rocks. Only really works for mini's and teleporters but will also hide sticky bombs.
-messed up render order. This happens sometimes, try messing with the brush a bit and using compilepal for a full compile. Its the most I've found to do about fixing this kinda thing.
-The rock going through this concrete doesn't make sense. Also the odd lip on the bottom of the ramp is weird.
-You're going to want to use an info_lighting to change the light origin of this prop.
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-These displacments don't line up.
-The clipping in this area is really odd. I'd expect to be able to get to the crates but the clip brush is right farther in front of it.
-Big and empty.
-Really easy to see where the change between in game and skybox is.
-The displacments out here are nice, though a few are misaligned, but you could use some rock models and such to make it more interesting. Look at badlands and see how they do it.
-Again, big and empty
-Make this railing nonsolid and use a clip brush to stop players from walking through it. Shooting through railings can be annoying so this is how they're pretty much always done.
-Put some clipping on these planks.
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-That's a REALLY long sightline with no cover.
-The clipping for these stairs doesn't go all the way up to the concrete.
-Those are some chunky stairs.
-the angles on these raised areas are difficult to walk on. Simplify it.
-Change lighting origin.
-Concrete on the ceiling of a wooden building? That doesn't make sense.
-This bit of concrete is really weird just hanging out here. It's the only thing like it in the room.
-Misaligned textures
-Really short door.
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-I don't think these lights should be bright for the time of day this map is set.
-Textures misaligned.
-This is a heck of a choke for the first point. I'd suggest adding a flank on the left through that rock area. Some kinda tunnel or cave thing.
-There are no flanks here for attackers at all, just one path for everything to go through. I imagine it plays like a meet grinder which is rarely fun.

That's all for now, best of luck.


L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 6, 2018
I really like this map, but I have a couple of caveats with it. Here are my recommendations for the map, mainly just minor stuff to improve the casual side of play (especially this map's useability on community servers), and hopefully also improve competitive.

One entrance locations
There are quite a number of rooms that only have one small entrance, or its other entrances are extremely hard to reach. I believe that rooms like these should have multiple access paths.

This place has two entrances. The first is the primary entrance, and the second is extremely hard to reach as any player. A third entrance along this wall may be required.

Only one entrance here. Maybe try increasing the width (by a lot) and height (not too much) of the entrance?

Same idea behind this one.

Clipping issues

Yeah, this ladder isn't realistic enough. I'd much rather prefer to not be able to climb it rather than to pass right through it.

I entered the command r_drawclipbrushes 2 and this is the only place I could find that might be a problem. A person can stay here by holding the up and left keys. The displacement below probably needs to be flattened a little more.

Miscellaneous problem

I think this doorway is simply too high. Perhaps decrease its height to somewhere inbetween three quarters and a half (and those one entrance places I mentioned earlier could do with a height adjustment to match).

No matter what happens, I will continue to watch this map's progress, for I really like the theme and wish to be able to play on it, no matter the gamemode.

Another Bad Pun

In the shadows, he saw four eyes lit by fire
Jan 15, 2011
This map has been on the front page of the workshop for like a week so i felt like I should check it out eventually. And then I did

I won't make many gameplay comments because the map is pretty detailed already, but if I you want feedback on that I'd be willing to 1v1 you on the server about it.

As far as betas go it's pretty nice looking. Some obvious complaints have been addressed already so I won't go over them. I would advise polishing the details of this map quite a bit once the contest is over. Here's a few thoughts I had / things I noticed:

Seems to be a texture goof here. Pretty hard to fix you might have to redo the entire map
hl2 2019-02-07 19-45-31-66.png

I don't like the texture choice for the columns on this wall. Slightly too bright colored for me. I think the wall should also be taller, if possible.
hl2 2019-02-07 19-47-38-92.png

this cliff segment is FRiCKED
hl2 2019-02-07 19-48-38-49.png

I like this building thank you for making it
hl2 2019-02-07 19-49-16-94.png

Instead of using Fit to scale the no entry textures, set the scale of the texture to .55 and center it. It will look better.
hl2 2019-02-07 19-49-41-64.png

Put something cool in this crevice because I feel that people are gonna be falling into it quite a bit. Maybe some minecart bridges at the bottom. Maybe some rock debris. Put anything, really

hl2 2019-02-07 19-53-26-22.png

Here's a gameplay one! On a full server, blu team is probably going to have a ridiculously hard time pushing through this area (if they can get up the giant rollback to begin with.) You really really need at least one alternate route up in here, especially because red has height advantage and because their side of the map is far more open than what blu would own while trying to push through this choke. Please try to address this in a major way because otherwise I feel it will probably be very broken / not balanced.
hl2 2019-02-07 19-53-48-50.png

I think this room looks really nice.
hl2 2019-02-07 19-55-04-78.png

In conclusion: I think this map is always going to be flawed gameplay wise because as far as I'm aware, it did not receive much testing on a full server or on larger playercounts. When you have less than 9 players per team, it's not even possible to have at least one of every class - so how would you balance a map around them in that case? Testing is important. Please do it!
However, you seem to know how tf2 detailing works, which I appreciate. I really want to see you detail a well tested map.


L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 6, 2018
Here's another large post for you. This post accompanies my previous one, of which not all of the things I mentioned were changed, so you may need to investigate those again, this one most of all.

Clipping problems - standing on issue






Clipping problems - looking at issue


Bad lighting and/or shadows (fix with HDR slow compile with -staticproplighting added to $light.exe line)





Just doesn't look right


L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 6, 2018
Custom materials and models have not been packed into the map. There are tons of missing textures and error models all over the place.