
MVM Havana B3 Contest Final


You should've played Rumbleverse
Jul 28, 2015
Havana - Whoa I'm in Space Cuba!

Welcome to Cuba's capital city, Havana! An MvM map made by @Muddy and me for the Mappers VS Machines contest. She has done a lot of work on this so please be sure to let her know if you like it!

Support it on the Workshop here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1089026871

Majority of layout and missions - Muddy
Majority of art pass and detailing - Nick

Most recent screenshots:
havana1.jpg havana2.jpg havana3.jpg havana4.jpg havana5.jpg havana6.jpg havana7.jpg havana8.jpg

20170417203854_1.jpg 20170417203905_1.jpg 20170417203913_1.jpg 20170417203950_1.jpg 20170417203959_1.jpg
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You should've played Rumbleverse
Jul 28, 2015
  • Fixes the bomb getting stuck under a brush
  • Fixes the tanks for later waves not spawning in the correct place
  • Traffic cones (were supposed to be here before but I broke them oops)
  • Map is now repacked, thanks TF Team!
  • Map is now in a .zip containing the navmesh and the pop file

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Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
Keep in mind that you should never show the carrier in the position where the wheels arent visible (the left side of the carrier when viewed from the front). It might look good now, but as soon as they turn on romevision it will be clear its a mess (even though romevision itself is ugly anyway).


You should've played Rumbleverse
Jul 28, 2015
We can probably do something where the left carrier is facing the front, with it's opened door facing the players, but obstructed by some rocks so players can't see the bots "pop into existence". Or yeah generic building™ could work but it'd probs look out of place. Either way, we'll figure it out, thanks for letting us know!


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
Why is Romevision even a thing?
Valve had aprils fools on valve time and released it several months late.

But in the end, if a visual effect can be done (just like pyrovision) you should ensure your map properly works with it. With pyrovision you have the advantage its not a requirement as players cant realy choose the support, but with romevision they can. And since no one bothered making a mirrored version of the carrier we only have that same side in every map.
but obstructed by some rocks so players can't see the bots "pop into existence
Partialy people can see this in bigrock anyway, and with the correct position in coaltown you can also see it. As long as the spawning makes sense its not a problem. But obstructing it is still a cleaner method.

The carrier only has 1 key function and that is indicating where you can find the bot spawn, even if you cant see the carrier standing at the spawn (see bigrock). That bots do spawn somewhere else than the carrier itself is fine. As long as the exit they drop down from is where you would expect it based on the carrier.


Sep 5, 2014
I'd like to see what the carrier looks like with Romevision on, but I don't see any way of enabling it without the Hardy Laurel equipped and buggered if I'm spending £11 on a misc I'll otherwise never use.


I like foxes
Jul 20, 2016
buggered if I'm spending £11 on a misc I'll otherwise never use.

Its a craft hat tho, also I can send you one if you want to use it for testing.

Oh and you dont have to have it equipped to enable romevision, just in your inventory
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You should've played Rumbleverse
Jul 28, 2015
Brought to you by @Muddy cuz she da best.

Robot Spawn:
  • replaced one of the robot carriers with a building (mostly to make the nav mesh less of a mess)

  • made the beach area larger

Robot Navigation:
  • added functionality for Engineer robots
  • fixed robots taking routes they should not be
  • general nav file improvements
  • added more bot holograms

Pop file:
  • added a second 'advanced' mission (pretty much just Bigrock Broken Parts with some minor tweaks) - enable it with the console command tf_mvm_popfile mvm_havana_a2_advanced

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Jul 31, 2009
This map has a lot of potential. But it has some problems.

First off, your engineers nests are broken. Make sure the three entities in it share the same name, because every time an engie bot came in, it'd drop a sentry (in a weird spot, behind the rock, maybe think about those some more) and then try to run basically all the way to the hatch to drop it's teleporter, at which point it tried to run all the way back to the sentry. They posed zero threat.

The giant seemed to get stuck under the bridge over the road at one point.

The forward upgrade station is usable during the wave which just made the front area even easier to hold when you could resupply with canteens.

Part of the bot spawnroom seemed to be jutting into the play area, bots falling down would stand at the base of the rocks and be invulnerable, this was especially annoying with snipers.

You can also rocket/sticky jump ontop of the respawnroom visulizer in front of the bot spawn and basically float in mid air.

As for the actual map, we found that the height advantage offered to players was way too strong with the rock in the middle and the ledges nearby. This is a big problem with bigrock too which your opening area reminded me of, where nearly every class has a massive height advantage over all bot entrances and it's very difficult to displace them without just crap tonnes of spam which isn't fun. I'd suggest consider making the rock cover instead of a thing players can easily walk onto and build on, and leaving the ledges around the edge for if players want that height. We barely got pushed out of the first area because of this and honestly I didn't get to play much else of your map.

The building in the middle with the broken wall allows bots to path through when they're trying to get to the bomb, this might be intentional as it definitely displaced the defensible position there, but look into it if it's not.


You should've played Rumbleverse
Jul 28, 2015
  • Beach:
    • Shortened robots' walk distance from their spawn points to the gameplay area (and also deleted the further-away spawnpoints)
    • Fixed robots being invulnerable in the gameplay area
    • Fixed players being able to stand on the robot spawnvisualiser
    • Raised the big rock in the middle so you can't jump on it anymore and also func_nobuilded it
    • Nerfed some of the cover around the beach
    • Raised the end of the beach a bit to give the robots a bit more height
  • Streets:
    • Adjusted the height of the bridge around the middle to stop giants from getting stuck on it
    • Removed an enemy teleporter spot that would cause giants to get stuck
  • Gamemode:
    • (Hopefully) fixed the forward upgrade station sometimes being usable during a wave
  • Robots:
    • Fixed Engineer robots not working properly

A3 Screenshots:

havana1.jpg havana2.jpg havana3.jpg havana4.jpg

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You should've played Rumbleverse
Jul 28, 2015
A4 Changelog:
  • Added a custom Advanced mission! with custom waves! it's probably bad!
  • Fixed Engineer bot getting stuck in the crates on the beach
  • Fixed robots taking a path they shouldn't when going through the alleyway
  • Moved some teleporters around to stop Giants from getting stuck when teleporting in
  • Raised a few doorways to stop Giants getting stuck on them
  • Modified an Engineer nest to be more effective

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You should've played Rumbleverse
Jul 28, 2015
Hey fellow Team Fortress friends, its ya boy Nick here to release something big. Over the past month and a couple days, I have been working tirelessly to art pass Havana and make my dream of a TF2 map set in Cuba a reality. Thanks to Muddy for making an amazing layout for me to work with, and helping me every now and then with the art pass, we are very proud of present Havana Beta 1 to all of you.

Even though the map has been out for about 3 months now, and I've been working on art passing it for over a month, I've never actually played the map myself. Hopefully I get a chance to do that at some point. This is my first artpass of a real, playable map so it is very important to me and I hope you all really enjoy it!

Here is Muddy's change log for the missions:
by Muddy and Nicky

* artpass!

Normal Mission:
* added a normal mission. there didn't used to be one but now there is

Advanced Mission:
Wave 1:
* increased spawn time for the Giant Demoman and Medic squad from 4s to 7s
* reduced max active Giant Demomen and Medics from 16 to 8 (2 Giant Demomen, 6 Medics)
* increased wave currency from $900 to $1200

Wave 2:
* removed Batallion Soldiers
* increased spawn time for the Giant Heavy and Medic squad from 4s to 6s
* reduced max active of Giant Heavies and Medics from 12 to 8 (2 Giant Heavies, 6 Medics)
* increased wave currency from $1200 to $1600

Wave 3:
* removed Spies cos fuck em
* removed Bonk Scouts and replaced them with SMG Snipers
* reduced SMG Sniper spawn time from 10s to 7s
* reduced amount of Giant Heavies and Giant Medics from 20 to 18
* reduced max active Giant Heavies and Giant Medics from 16 to 6 (3 Giant Heavies, 3 Giant Medics)
* increased spawn time for Giant Soldier squad from 8s to 12s
* reduced max active Giant Soldier squads from 16 to 12 (3 Giant Soldiers, 3 Batallion Soldiers, 6 Medics)
* increased wave currency from $1200 to $2200

Wave 4:
* reduced max active Giant Demoman squads from 6 to 4 (2 Giant Demomen, 2 Giant Medics)
* reduced Giant Demoman squad spawncount from 4 to 2
* increased wave currency from $2000 to $2600

Wave 5:
* increased spawn time for the Giant Demoman and Medic squad from 3s to 7s
* reduced amount of Shotgun Heavies from 48 to 42
* increased spawn time for the Shotgun Heavies from 5s to 6s
* reduced max active Giant Scouts and Giant Medics from 4 to 2 (1 Giant Scout, 1 Giant Medic)
* increased wave currency from $2000 to $2300

Wave 6:
* reduced max active Giant Soldiers and Giant Medics from 12 to 6 (3 Giant Soldiers, 3 Giant Medics)
* increased spawn time for Giant Soldiers and Giant Medics from 2 to 5
* increased spawn time for the Shotgun Heavies from 3s to 5s
* increased wave currency from $1300 to $3000

Now here are some fun stats I think you all might like idk lol:
  • About 150 hours total went into art passing the map
  • 4563 total dev textures were replaced by nodraws
    • 3952 of them were the "Reflectivity 40" dev textures
  • 5 hammer crashes occurred during the art pass
  • 1 blue screen occurred during the art pass
  • There are (I believe*) 10 easter eggs in the map, see if you can find em all!
    • *I put so many that I probably am forgetting some even exist
The map will be going on the workshop shortly, we want to check whether there are any technical issues or not.

Hot new screenshots (at very high quality, click to enlarge!):
havana1.jpg havana2.jpg havana3.jpg havana4.jpg havana5.jpg havana6.jpg havana7.jpg havana8.jpg havana9.jpg havana10.jpg

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You should've played Rumbleverse
Jul 28, 2015
Beta 1 A
  • (Hopefully) Fixed the unpacked carpet texture (Thanks to @Hipster_Duck for telling me about this!)
  • Fixed a clipping issue with a wooden plank
  • Fixed some visible nodraws around some of the fences/wooden supports
  • Clipped the sides of the roads (you now smoothly go up the curb)

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