
MVM Doppler B12

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Blade x64

Logical insanity
Sep 3, 2009
Doppler - Gatebot map with weaving paths in wintertide spytech.

A Mannhattan-type gatebot map styled as a Spytech facility in a winter forest.

Normal bots and gate bots prefer different weaving paths to offer a challenge of defending both. To ensure players are comfortable with each area, the first two waves start out at B and then A. The furthest robot spawn features three exits with one randomly closed, resulting in a different start every wave.

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Blade x64

Logical insanity
Sep 3, 2009
Map Changelog:
  • Moved final hatch forward 64 units.
  • Fixed missing railing clip.
  • Removed nobuild from upper exterior rocks.
  • Minor Ładny.

Force Restart (Advanced) Changelog:
  • Fixed missing bot_giant tags.
  • Kritz Medics are no longer poor and Irish.
  • W1 - Replaced final kritz Demo cluster with flying swordsmen.
  • W2 - Granted final Heavy some Über Medics.
  • W4 - Removed giant Scouts.
  • W4 - Reduced final giant Heavy/Medic clusters from 3 to 2.
  • W5 - Replaced stream of giants near end with standard clusters.
  • W6 - Swapped out giant Heavies for giant Pyros.
  • W6 - Rearranged giant Spy spawns.

Shortwave (Intermediate) Changelog:
  • Fixed missing bot_giant tags.
  • W1 - Added flying swordsmen.
  • W1 - Replaced scouts with jumping sandmen.
  • W2 - Added Heavy Pushers, Pyros, and a giant Pyro.
  • W4 - Increased number of standard bots.
  • W5 - Split up standard Soldiers to spawn before and after the trio.
  • W6 - Mixed in Spy gatebot clusters.
  • W6 - Gave Sir Nukesalot a hat.

Read the rest of this update entry...

Blade x64

Logical insanity
Sep 3, 2009
Map Changelog:
  • Added paths up from the hatch area to upper bot path.
  • Added connector between the spytech area and forward upgrade station.
  • Opened up wall between the tunnel gatebot path and spytech area.
  • Added path outside from the outer path to the upper path.
  • Opened up the upper path inside the submarine bay to cover the outer outside path.

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Read the rest of this update entry...


L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 6, 2018
Sorry to bother you but I think the Expert mission is missing from the latest upload of the map.


L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 6, 2018
Hey, so I played the newest version of this map with a bunch of TF2 regulars, and we felt that the new shortcuts that have been added to the map make it even more confusing to traverse, not to mention that it was fairly confusing to players of the previous version anyway. I feel that it would be a good idea to remove the 'maintenance area' shortcut, and put down some dynamic prop arrows to direct players into the newly opened areas. Another problem with the current version of the map is that it is hard to tell where robots will be spawning from at the very last area, for the gate that blocks the far right spawn is very hard to see from in front. Hope this helps.