A lot of those comp CTF maps made decent vanilla CTF maps as well, though, I would imagine. They did a good job of dealing with the common problem CTF maps have of being too easy to turtle and cause stalemates or at least really drawn-out periods with no capturing. The only reason nobody paid any attention to those maps after the contest was over was.........
....what was the reason, anyway?
The dynamic payload contest was pretty good.
I'd like to see one for all standard game modes, with the chance to win in your respective category as well as a "top 3 overall" rating.
Seeing a contest with all kinds of maps, from TC to MVM, sounds pretty promising.
And it probably should be focused a bit more around the "dynamic" part, rewarding maps that add it as a crucial element rather than a gimmick.
The issue I see with random partners is time zones. Unless the randomness was restricted to people in the same time zone.