Contest idea thread!


Jan 6, 2008
I think an arena map contest would be nice. It won't take a long time to make an arena map, since they can literally be as tiny as you want them to be, plus they rarely need any hidden routes or anything.


L1: Registered
Aug 26, 2008
I think an arena map contest would be nice. It won't take a long time to make an arena map, since they can literally be as tiny as you want them to be, plus they rarely need any hidden routes or anything.
Another plus for arena maps is that playtesting a dozen or so of them on a gameday would be much quicker than the same number of payload maps, given arena rounds only tend to last for a few minutes each. If we are expected to judge maps on how they play, I'd say arena maps are most likely to get a fairer test than payload as players would be able to see more of them.
Plus, when you are sitting out an arena round, can you fly around in spectator mode? If so, this is an ideal time to have a look over the little details that you wouldn't have time to during the heat of battle.


Jan 6, 2008
Yes, you can fly around when you're sitting out. That's a very good point, and a very good reason to make an arena contest.


L2: Junior Member
Nov 27, 2007
Contest Suggestion: Custom Gametype Contest


The map must introduce a new type of gameplay element onto the map that is central. Having a Control Point map that you need to bring flags to to capture is an example, albeit not a very good idea to work with seeing as it isn't really 'new' or 'exciting'.

Having a working HUD that works with the gametype will probably make people enjoy it more, but isn't absolutely neccesary, due to the limitations of Team Fortress 2's SDK. The HUD doesn't neccesarily need to be beautiful, so long as it gives a general idea of what you're supposed to be doing. Let's see how you can mold control point images, neh?

The gametype can be a modified version of another gametype, like a combination between Control Points and Payload, but it can't be nearly exactly the same, but with a tiny little different.


L13: Stunning Member
Feb 20, 2008
219 that sounds interesting...
at least the results might be interesting, depends if enough people were able to get anything to work...

one fun thing would be the winning gametype of that competition would spawn a new competition of mapping for that gametype


L1: Registered
Jul 2, 2008
Did anyone like the idea of us just giving a theme and a short-ish timelimit with one criteria: 'impressive'? (so that could be a model, a prop-room, a cap point area, a skybox, textures, combinations of those.. anything really)


Tigger thinks I should explain myself, so here goes:

What I meant was ...

I think this suggestion is a good idea.

The power of words to evoke imagery should not be understated.

"Rosebud" was chosen as an example of how a single word drove a renowned classic movie.

Choose the right word and who knows what people will come up with?
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L6: Sharp Member
Jun 2, 2008
1. How about a contest designed around using a certain required props. I know prop-room is listed already, but when I read that I think of a room that gamers don't enter. I'm talking more about prop-assigned contests. (Ex. - Design an area X by y, using the flowing props: industrialtower001, truss002, etc.)

2. Another variation on the prop contest is prop-limiting designing an area and having a limit to how many actual props you can use. Like 25 props only for the area. Choose wisely.

3. Intel Room design contest. Must have 2-3 entrances, size variation, option of two submissions: red or blue. It does not have to necessarily work for actually picking up the Intel.
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Quack Doctor
May 19, 2008
I like idea #1, that could lead to some pretty interesting stuff.


Dec 5, 2007
Ideas so far:
  1. 3D skybox
  2. Capture point area
  3. Some kind of templated contest
  4. Arena map
  5. Prop room
  6. Texture contest
  7. Tutorial contest

I've discounted modeling and custom game mode ideas, is there anything else that you'd like to do for a contest or which of these do you like best? Now the spawnroom competition is over the next one will be starting soonish.
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Feb 14, 2008
I'd like to see a timed competition, whereby mappers create the best map - regardless of size or quality - in a week. This, I heard was done in 24 hours with the best CS:S mappers, and it really worked, so a week could give ample time to make a small decent map.

A template competition is another idea I had, and has been mentioned before, although I think the template should n ot be restrictive such that all the maps are similar, but so that ey items such as spawns, CPs etc. are in the same place whilst the layout can be radically different.

It would also be interesting to have a balancing contest, all mappers start with the same map template, and then have a certain amount of time to balance the map. Whichever map plays the best on a specially organised gameday wins.

So, thoughts?


L6: Sharp Member
Jun 2, 2008
Capture Point Area or Arena Map (because they can be about the same size).


L13: Stunning Member
Nov 16, 2007
Making a good map in a week is just bullshit and you know it. Nobody can do that.
I'm not a fan for entire maps, I don't have the time for it. I like little scenes though, so a capture point is cool.
Feb 14, 2008
Most people, like me, don't have enough time to make a good map within a week.

Not really fair, some mappers have their own servers, or host lan's with friends, on wich they can test the balance, and most others don't.

We do have a weekly gameday you know.

And Snipergen, yes a week is a short time, but that's the whole point, to make the best you can in that time, it was just a suggestion as well...

Other ideas:
- Detailing on a template
- Detailing with a theme (although most already revolve around this idea)

This is only a short contest, so I might go for the CP idea or the arena map.
Sep 12, 2008
And, you can cheat very easely! Just make a map, and say you made it in that week? Yes, some may notice it, but nobody can say you didn't make it in one week..

Captain Planet

L2: Junior Member
Oct 13, 2008
Not really fair, some mappers have their own servers, or host lan's with friends, on wich they can test the balance, and most others don't.

Simple solution:

A) Get friends (Wich you probably have)

B) Host a dedicated server on you're own pc

C) Host a gameserver at or anyother hosting provider.

(PS: i really hate the gameservers banner that is now floating above my reply to thread :(