Competitive Gameday


Jul 19, 2009
Ok here's the deal,
As much as I would love to start using hammer and learn to map, I don't see myself having enough time to dedicate being a fulltime college student focusing on computer/electrical engineering.

That being said next month is winter break =]

I am no longer playing competitive TF2 as of yet since I needed time off to get ready for finals and I'm getting my new computer on Christmas.

Over the past week or so I have been working on assembling a group of players who would be interested in pickup games on custom maps. The group however is limited to those who play comp tf2 and those who have or will make maps for comp tf2 so don't beg for an invite since I want good competitive testing not engi-pyro-spyfests with unbalanced teams.

Once or twice a week starting after Christmas I will start hosting Competitive gamedays on my private server. I'm not sure how this will work but here's the deal.

5cp, A/D, and CTF will take priority over other gamemodes so don't ask for your AD CTF and PLR maps to be tested.

I will make STVs for the mapmakers as well as urge the players to make forum accounts to post feedback to try to help get balance figured out.

You can argue against competitive but I don't really care tbh... this is for the mapmakers who want their map to be played 6v6 style.

Hope this works out.


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
Sounds like a good idea! I hope it takes off and becomes something regular. It would help the entire community get higher quality maps.


L11: Posh Member
Feb 7, 2009
Join #mpuktf2.pickup in irc, and ask if you could have your map tested, If it is no crap, it will probably be tested.
Feb 14, 2008
I'll play for sure, if it's at a reasonable time. In fact, I have a map that needs intensive playtesting being released soon...


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Maps could always use a little comp testing+feedback. It's not necasserily that certain people dislike comp'ers/comp play, but that generally comp'ers cannot be arsed to test new maps (Ironicly, they want the map to work, but "working" comes from testing and feedback, which they don't give unless it works).

You are providing a much needed resource here that has otherwise been absent on the custom mapping scene, as other attempts at comp testing/feedback, for established level designer Youme, as well as others around here including MuffinMan and Mangy' have been thoroughly ignored.


Oct 25, 2007
but gotfrag is a quality friendly environment for custom mappers to post their work to get constructive feedback!


Ancient Pyro Main
Aug 11, 2008
Flame, as much as I like the idea of you limiting it towards competitive themed maps, that does not mean you should not be open to maps not in the set style (Gravelpit style A/D, 5CP, CTF). A/D CTF and Linear A/D maps could prove to be successful based upon map design, and could be targeted towards the tf2 competitive community. I truly think this of a/d ctf, where the fast cap is available and speed can mean everything, even more so than in a/d gpit style.

Open it up, give priority to maps aiming to be in the competitive style, and don't discard maps purely on the game mode. That is my thought on the process, but that is personal opinion.


L1: Registered
Nov 23, 2009
I think it is a great idea as comp player don't give a lot of feedback and FFA player have no idea of what they need to enjoy a map. And as most mapper are FFA player, comp don't get new map and comp are sad ^^.
Howewer i agree with TMP you as an experienced comp player can go around in some map with a different gamestyle and see if they have a chance to play good in comp.


Jul 19, 2009
ill add koth to the list but a/d ctf isnt even an official gamemode yet and its not worth spending time strategizing the maps when its a different type of stopwatch play

get the ad ctf in a league or make your own tournament which i posted about in the donation thread to get different maps and map types tested.

Its hard enough finding people who want to play custom Gpit-style and ctf.

getting them to play A/D CTF will be near impossible. not close-minded, practical


Jul 19, 2009
Im telling you you wont get good a/d ctf testing regardless until people know how to play it.

you can throw 6 people in a server from any of the top 30 comp US teams and them to play X class on X map and most if not all will have an idea of how to do it.

furnace will play like gpit, and 5cps will play like badlands granary or yukon, ctf will play like turbine, and koth will play like viaduct.

a/d cp is the least fun of all comp gametypes as seen in cp_pro_dustbowl
getting people to even play that map during its match week is hard since nobody wants to.

Ill ask, doubt itll get anywhere though