
Cauldron a10


Old Hat
Nov 12, 2007
Like the ingredients of a fine soup, bits of intelligence from all over the world gather here on Cauldron Island, simmering in the tropical heat as mad schemes of world domination are cooked up.

The island's two resident forces are no longer content to share such prime real estate, however, and their gluttony for valuable information has led to a bitter conflict as each tries to toss out the other like yesterday's slop.

CP_Cauldron is a 5 control point push map with mirror symmetry. The final points are on the outer cliffs of the island. Points 2/4 are at the core of each side's data center. The middle point is on the radar deck overlooking the island's central caldera lake.

Right now, I'm mostly looking for feedback on layout, class balance, and signage.
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The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
Cool! I was looking for the WIP thread when I saw the event scheduled. Neat!


Feb 12, 2009
5 cp push map! Nice! Once some clan issues settle down I'd love to do a comp play test of that.


L6: Sharp Member
Sep 6, 2008
Having played it yesterday I can't tell you how much I loved this!!! :3 It was an amazing and fun play and it really feels different from any of 5cp map. The theme probably has something to do with it (and your tropical theme still makes me drool), but I think the gameplay really is refreshingly new. I can't wait to get a PUG or scrim on it sometime, I'm looking forward to hearing how people react!

Good luck!
<3 FoXy


L1: Registered
Mar 9, 2009
I love points 2 and 4, they're superb, point 3 i find a little open, but thats cause i hate snipers, and the spawns seem a little close for the last point.
Also the little ledge where logans sentry was needs to be nobuilded :)

Rest was all good!


L3: Member
Jul 12, 2008
Map seems fun, won't be able to really tell until we have a larger group of people play at once though ;). First of all; the sign issue (the one that flips depending on who's pushing). After more thought, I agree with you that most players will want to go in the direction the arrow is pointing. If there is no one on the 2/4 point, they can always just bypass it and go straight to the middle, so I guess that is fine as is. Which brings me to the middle. At first glance the middle is very large and wide open, but during playing you have no problem traveling between and to the Control Points. The problem lies when there is something outside of the path between the Control Points that needs dealing with, such as a sniper. When there is a sniper who has just come out of the tunnel shortcut from 1/5 to the middle CP, he can hold down the upper area around the CP pretty effectively. If the player has to go over and get that sniper as any class other than scout, they are quite likely to get headshot along the way. But like I said previously, this sniper position has no direct influence on the CP itself, and can be avoided, using the alternate (but longer) route. The only other issue I can really think of right now is how neither team could push back from only owning their final point, was mainly due to the lack of players I think. This was the case at least the majority of the time, I'm sure it will even out with more players.

So, yeah, I'd take everything I just said (besides the bit about the sign) with a grain of salt, since we didn't have a full 12v12 match going. Looking forward to playing this on Gameday(s) and don't forgot to put a nobuild on that scout shortcut rock to the mid CP, and add the change skin input to Blu's 2/4 CP. Looking forward to the next playtest/alpha! :thumbup:


Feb 18, 2009
The map was really fun yesterday, I would've come today but I have a big part of my history summative due tomorrow so :/


L6: Sharp Member
Jan 29, 2008
Ran it some tonight on my server, definitely digging on it.

There was a bit of confusion in how to get around between points two and three, but I think it cleared up after playing more. I think that'll probably be less when the dev textures go away.

Can't wait to see where this goes.


L3: Member
Jul 12, 2008
Unbalanced teams make maps not fun :(, which is exactly what happened today during gameday, too many engineers and spies, not enough offensive classes... ah well. The one thing I did notice though was that pyros seem to be extremely powerful around the 2/4 point. As a soldier I was unable to push into that control point area, either between the pyro's constantly getting at me in the confined spaces, or the sentry guns in places that couldn't be reached by the sort of balcony thing in the control point area. All of this frustration was partly due to only 4 people on a team of 10 pushing, and no medics for the majority of the time. But it still may be something you want to consider.


Oct 25, 2007
played this yesterday. EXTREMELY FUN and fluid layout. getting lost is not an issue.


L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
map is simlpy awesom)


L6: Sharp Member
Jan 29, 2008
MungoKing;64850The one thing I did notice though was that pyros seem to be [i said:
extremely[/i] powerful around the 2/4 point. As a soldier I was unable to push into that control point area, either between the pyro's constantly getting at me in the confined spaces, or the sentry guns in places that couldn't be reached by the sort of balcony thing in the control point area.

Heh, yeah, I discovered that little "balcony" thing. It's actually pretty nice for sentries to pick off people who come in the front "door" to the point, but I think it has trouble since it can't actually shoot clearly at people on the point from there.

Plus, it's possible for a enemy demo (if he's thinking clearly and not rummied up) to come around the back way and take it out from the bottom of the ramp.


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
I thought this was a good play, and balance was never an issue.

However, I felt the layout of the last points were a little awkward--but that may just be me. Suggestions for changing it? Not sure. I'll for sure agree that the middle and 2nd points were great!