Anova: Sadly there just isn't enough here. Sharp cornered brushes, nodraws on displacements, sharp texture switches. I suggest to just keep on building: doing is the best way to learn!
DABP: Sideways rain! Nice sound! A dark corridor with blood splatters on the walls! Only a shame that there isn't much to look at from any other point of view then spawn, but the idea is great and executed very nicely!
Dark: A nice snowy checkpoint scene. Brushwork looks nice, but it has some sharp gashes en open spaces between supports on the wooden structure. The texture on the walkways is also not aligned. The 3D skybox's lighting and displacements do not fit the sides of the map, but at least there IS a 3D Skybox. No sound! The door has no collision, but the map is mostly for the scene itself which is nicely executed.
Dr. Wrench: This is quite big! The walkways are a bit small, and the yellow handrails seem out of place for their colour. Some props have no collision. I like the lights on the truck, nice attention to detail! There are some reflective 90% surfaces. Some textures are not aligned. It's quite big and there are things everywhere!
Godslayer57: Sound! The roofs are too thin, paper thin. The structure of wood up top is nice, but could use some variation in the placement of wood. Water in the desert? I like the continuity with the hatch and the gold in the truck below.
Grazr: Sound! The pit is nice, but the displacements for it seems awfully straight and rigid, especially the big pillar. It looks unnatural. I really like that the 3D Skybox fits perfectly with the rest of the level!
Jetti: A true mine level! The first screenshot is perfectly posed and taken, I really like it. On the map itself though, the corridors feel very small and I got stuck at one corner. It's a bit small. No sound! The tracks are laid down pretty well.
Locnlol: Not really a mine level, it looks more like a train yard. The textures and walls are bland. No sound! There isn't much to look at.
Mickanator: Prop roofs! It's a bit small, there isn't much to see. Not really clear if this is a mine theme or not. No sound!
Plipplop: Sound! Thematic lighting! Very nice brushwork! Good use of displacements and models! Only downside is that all but one texture is horizontal, it gets a bit repetitive.
Ritz: HOLY LOUDNESS! Sound! Nice waterfall! Idea is simple and well executed. Props, brushes and displacements are all very nicely done. Only the crystals seem a bit un-TF2y
Sergis: Very thematic! Great use of particles! The small space is used very well and the scene is portrayed nicely. Though it seems focused more on a winter cottage than on a mining theme. No sound!
Tomhoen: The pulley idea is nice. There is no ambient sound, only the pulley makes some. The fog is too near. The idea is okay, but the brushwork and props fall a bit short. Some things could also have been done with the lighting, it is very flat at the moment.
Tyker: Sound! The rope looks good in spectator but when I play the rope disappears? The roof is waaayy too thick. Nice idea with the mine shaft, but the brushwork is a bit stale. Mine cart madness looks fun! Repetitive models do not look fun! Brushwork is a bit stale all around. No 3d skybox! No particles!
YM: A lot of detail all over the place! Lighting is very bright and bland. It's obviously not made to be run around in, the shape to look at it is in a weird U. Nice particles on the roofs!
Zhan: Sound! Grass detail! Stairs look unnaturaly sharp and steep. Nice addition of a conveyor belt. It's a bit small and there isn't much detail though.
Nice job to everyone who participated! Making something at all is an achievement, now just learn more and make something even better next time!