The architecture and foreground are exceptional but I think you're neglecting the open playable space. Here are a few pictures of what I'm talking about.
This is right outside Blu spawn. This picture illustrates the first major sightline that spans a distance of over 3,300 units. That's rather large. Also you can see from this angle just how much open space there really is. All the bottom half is flat and open until you enter the building to the far bottom right.
As I flew around I admired your work on the raw blocking of the environment but would always be taken away by the sheer distance between everything. Here's is a great example of what I mean:
Here I am 'mirin your work; Only to be taken away by the distances around it all.
I will say that I like your interiors in contrast to your open environments.
Like this open arch hallway. But as I moved on to the final cap I was met with a huge sightline again.
It does look nice though, just heavily in favor of sniping.
I hope some of this was helpful. It's hard to fix sightlines as you get along in development so you might want to address this soon if you plan to at all. Something as simple as a few more buildings could help this, you have good interiors. Sizing it down is an option, though a tedious one, with a completed layout.