Anti-capitalism, pro Icing


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
As we all know the most pressing threat to the world today is rich people becoming less rich. Today we watch the continuing media circus as several late-middle aged rich white christian males take time out of being the richest people in the world to attempt to become the most powerful man in the world, and late-middle-aged rich white christian males everywhere celebrate, because their voices are finally being heard. It's shameful to watch as a man is confronted by his attempt to have an open marriage and still have as much casual sex as possible, ignoring the important issues such as his daring policy that even if a woman is raped or impregnated by incest, an abortion is illegal. When will the news media stop beating up on rich white christian males?

American values of hard work and drive to suceed are being fatally undermined by people touting notions such as "hard work and screwing your neigbour are not intrinsically linked" and "There is such a thing as enough money" or "People exist even when you hold your hand over your eyes so you can't see them". Socialism, the dangerous notion that money and success are subsidiary to quality of life for anyone you have never had a drink with, threatens to destroy our very way of life. The great danger posed by a group of people asking "where's all the money gone" to our right to uphold capitalist values such as dumping toxic waste in rivers and seawaters must never be underestimated.

To provide an excellent analysis of why the capitalist system must be upheld is our resident member of the 53%, Rich/white/christian/male (delete whichever is inappropriate), Terwonick.

I live 10 minutes outside of Midland, and like he said my views aren't truly that out there for Michigan. We're the lowest economic state out there, and if I live in the "Dow Bubble" and say this, it has to be like 2x worse for everybody else. If there's a revolution it's like a 95% chance that it will happen in Michigan.

I can't directly oppose this, but it feels a little like saying the next civil war will start in Ridlington-By-Thames, population 140 or something.

What do you mean by "lowest economic state"? And by "it must be 2x worse for everyone else?

Honestly here we don't want socialism, we realize that untouched capitalism worked perfectly for about 130 years.

Which 130 years were these? Were they concurrent? Are you skipping the great depression, the first world war, arguably the second world war, the cold war, the 1980's depression, starvation in third world countries, and americans selling weapons to gulf states? I want to get my facts straight, see. Of course you could be referring to earlier years. The 130 years between the hunting to extinction of bison, the trafficikng of human slaves, the deaths of hundreds yearly by cigarette smoke due to carcinogens that it's more capitalist to take money from than to regulate, and the invention of the fiat pinto, the only car more temperamental than your average vidogame explosive barrel, because when human lives interfere with money they must be instantly dealt with.

I just want to get my facts straight, here.

The only reason it stopped working so well is that we started getting laws interfering with businesses and the government started controlling us. Honestly I'm tired of you guys telling me that because I don't "earn money" i'm not allowed to gripe about taxes. my paycheck this summer was just under $100, with NO taxes, it would have been about $10 higher!


That's money I could have used and put back into the economy, creating jobs and helping pay others.
Tax money goes back into the economy. Except, instead of going to the people that do a good job of shouting ME ME ME MONEY HERE, it goes to things like schools and hospitals. Admittedly, considerably less than perfectly, but would you have given that money to womens refuge shelters?
Watch the explination on capitalism, "the most compassionate system out there," as said by Peter Schiff

I'm going to place a wager before i click on this link, or google that name. Peter Schiff will be a late-middle-age, rich, white, christian, male. Its good that their voices are being heard.

EDIT: Shit i'm good.
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Tarry H Sruman

Large Orphanage Proprietor
Jul 31, 2011
The problem is that these damn socialist liberals are trying to steal away hard-earned money from us TRUE, RED-BLOODED AMERICANS. We need to bring back Ronald Reagan and his masterful economic management if we are ever to secure liberty once and for all.

Oh yeah and we need to keep out all the dirty Mexicans, Muslims, A-rabs, and Atheists too. And abolish social spending, and the corporate tax.


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
The world should be ran by astronomers.

... or the mythbusters.

"Today we're testing the myth that a capitalist system based on continual growth can be supported indefinitely to infinite growth by a sub-infinite amount of rescources!"

*Thirty years later, when global warming has increased to the point that wall street is underwater and the london stock exchange is under ten feet of snow*



Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
My favourite middle-aged white christian males are the ones who believe we domesticated and rode tyrannosaurusrexes like horses.

They always have the best ideas, like slavery and nuclear weapons.
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L6: Sharp Member
Aug 25, 2010
I do thank you for responding to each piece individually, I shall try to do the same. Also, I'm not rich, I'm low-end middle class.

What do you mean by "lowest economic state"? And by "it must be 2x worse for everyone else?

Michigan is the worst off state financially. I was referencing the Dow Bubble when I said that. We live in a area where everything isn't really that bad because of the Dow Chemical Company

Which 130 years were these? Were they concurrent? Are you skipping the great depression, the first world war, arguably the second world war, the cold war, the 1980's depression, starvation in third world countries, and americans selling weapons to gulf states? I want to get my facts straight, see. Of course you could be referring to earlier years. The 130 years between the hunting to extinction of bison, the trafficikng of human slaves, the deaths of hundreds yearly by cigarette smoke due to carcinogens that it's more capitalist to take money from than to regulate, and the invention of the fiat pinto, the only car more temperamental than your average vidogame explosive barrel, because when human lives interfere with money they must be instantly dealt with.

Slavery was endorsed by the government, so I don't know what your talking about, because they felt at the time that it was OK to enslave people based on race. Just as you believe that killing babies is OK, it is not. Specific time period I was referencing was 1776 to 1900. Look, stupid stuff with technology happens anyway, ever heard of the Chevy Volt?

Except, instead of going to the people that do a good job of shouting ME ME ME MONEY HERE, it goes to things like schools and hospitals. Admittedly, considerably less than perfectly, but would you have given that money to womens refuge shelters?

That first part reminds me of welfare... All the other people with jobs just want the money they sweated for and invested their time in. To be honest, I don't give money, I give time. I volunteer at my church, which in turn helps out groups such as the one mentioned.

I'm going to place a wager before i click on this link, or google that name. Peter Schiff will be a late-middle-age, rich, white, christian, male. Its good that their voices are being heard.

You make it sound like every person who is like that is bad, I know you don't want to do that! You'd hurt too many of CNN, NBC, Fox, BBC, Congressmen, and President's feelings. You know what I find funny is that you played the race card, you basically implied that a rich/black/christian/male would NEVER feel the same way.

Oh yeah and we need to keep out all the dirty Mexicans, Muslims, A-rabs, and Atheists too.

Honestly, I don't see what's so bad about immigrants. I reference the early 1900's as a generic criteria for getting in:
  • No criminal record
  • $50 dollars in your pocket
I don't think those are unreasonable at all.

EDIT: Honestly the only reason I responded is because you singled me out.
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Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
My favourite middle-aged white christian males are the ones who believe we domesticated and rode tyrannosaurusrexes like horses...

Wait, you mean you don't have one?

EDIT: Hurting Fox's feelings is perfectly okay. Actually, it is welcomed.


Feb 18, 2009
For a more low key and serious post here, I'd like to see a serious discussion about economics and the state of the planet. A lot of people seem to throw around saying the government is corrupt, pollution is destroying our planet, and greed is corrupting, yet when it comes to doing something about it, most people don't go beyond the purely symbolic participatory action of voting, and seem to think that that's somehow going to fix things.

I've watched corporations destroy anything that stands between them and their profits, whether it be our environment, our people, or our ethics.

Capitalism is a system which is by design unsustainable. It revolves around the premise that infinite growth is possible, which any sane person knows is impossible to sustain on a finite planet. It encourages greed and other horrible behavior, and yet we have no politicians anywhere who have a chance at making a real difference. Instead we have a bunch of people who more or less say the same thing and a public who is more than willing to gobble up their stories because they're so much less harsh than the truth. This has got to stop.

Our planet is facing the biggest problems it's ever faced, ever. Hopefully some serious discussion, and new ideas will come out of this thread, but given that a lot of the members here are more interested in sticking their fingers in their ears and screaming when serious political issues come up, I won't hold my breath.

Additional reading:


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
Michigan is the worst off state financially. I was referencing the Dow Bubble when I said that. We live in a area where everything isn't really that bad because of the Dow Chemical Company

You are indirectly living off the profits of Agent Orange. Fun fact: the dow chemical company continued producing it after everyone else had stopped. So, yeah. Glad you michaganites are enjoying that.

Slavery was endorsed by the government, so I don't know what your talking about, because they felt at the time that it was OK to enslave people based on race. Just as you believe that killing babies is OK, it is not. Specific time period I was referencing was 1776 to 1900. Look, stupid stuff with technology happens anyway, ever heard of the Chevy Volt?

The chevy volt was not deliberate. That time period included the industrial revolution: workhouses, child labour, children sent up chimneys, all that jazz. A boom period, by all accounts.

And i don't know where i referred to killing babies. I referred to the termination of pregnancy: and i strongly feel that nobody but the woman has even the slightest right to determine what happens to that woman's body. Not one fucking jot.

That first part reminds me of welfare... All the other people with jobs just want the money they sweated for and invested their time in. To be honest, I don't give money, I give time. I volunteer at my church, which in turn helps out groups such as the one mentioned.

Well, good for you. As for the first part reminding you of welfare, have you ever claimed welfare? Have you ever been unable to have your damaged lung fixed due to inability to afford healthcare? Man, screw those people, like the 9/11 first reponders suffering from lung cancer due to carcinogens inhaled at ground zero, it's all "ME ME ME" for them.

Try not to be such a stereotype, its no fun to argue with you. It's like shooting funfair ducks by keeping your gun pointed at the exact point one will pop up.

You make it sound like every person who is like that is bad, I know you don't want to do that!

I kinda do. A bit.

You'd hurt too many of CNN, NBC, Fox, BBC, Congressmen, and President's feelings.

Don't you dare slander our BBC. As for the others: I don't care, i don't care, good, good, and "he's black, did you not notice" respectively.

You know what I find funny is that you played the race card, you basically implied that a rich/black/christian/male would NEVER feel the same way.
You played the race card back, so i'mma gonna shout "SNAP" and take both our cards.

And nope. I implied that rich/white/christian males are the ones with the power and influence, and that the opinions held by these few basically control the world.
Unless they touch the internet. 'Can't do shit to da internet.

Honestly, I don't see what's so bad about immigrants. I reference the early 1900's as a generic criteria for getting in:
  • No criminal record
  • $50 dollars in your pocket
I don't think those are unreasonable at all.


Leave your country, terwonick. For shame.

Also, what about refugees? Or people coming to the country because of a lack of money? What if you're criminal record is in crimes such as "slandering your native country" or crazy religious stuff that the USA would disagree with? You can't claim to be sweet land of liberty and then complain when people without much sweetness or liberty come over for a try of it.
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Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
I find it laughable that many Americans think Obama is an idealogical communist just because he proposed free healthcare. Any time someone suggests doing something differently, even if what's currently in place is failing horrendously and needs to be changed, they're called un-american and un-patriotic. Though i do understand that's probably mostly your republicans being predictably up their own arse; using "God" and "American" as propoganda buzz words.

As for politicians being more corrupt, it's a case of if you let them get away with it, they will. Private Eye reported back in May last year for Channel 4 News that british politicians were more than 4 times more likely to go to jail than the average Briton; usually because of fraud.

Over here if you get caught doing that shit you resign and lose everything you have, usually including your family. Over in the US it seems like you write a best selling biography and then get re-elected for presidency.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
And that's part of the reason why we're in such an awful position now.

They brought it onto themselves.

And frankly, my logic behind it is that, I'm 20 (nearly 21)... most of these political things do NOT affect me yet or never will affect me at all. I'm in school for 2 majors and 2 minors... I have more important things to worry about and stress out over... Politics is nothing to me (i'm not even a registered voter. but that is because I'm lazy).

Once it starts to affect me, then I'll start caring. But for now, I'm just cookin' and solvin' physics problems.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
And frankly, my logic behind it is that, I'm 20 (nearly 21)... most of these political things do NOT affect me yet or never will affect me at all.

Politics affects what you're able to learn in college. It affects your tuition fees and interest rates on tuition loans. It affects your rent, especially if you live in dorms. Whether you get your trash picked up or not. It affects the price of your food and what food you're able to acquire. It affects what technology you can buy and what software you can use.

I'm honestly surprised at that comment, Frozen. Pretty much anything you touch and do is governed by politics.

Having an opinion on your desires and being able to decide which candidate best represents you is hardly a massive headache. Even if discussing politics sometimes is.
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L6: Sharp Member
Aug 25, 2010
Try not to be such a stereotype, its no fun to argue with you. It's like shooting funfair ducks by keeping your gun pointed at the exact point one will pop up.

I must say the same thing to you.

You are indirectly living off the profits of Agent Orange. Fun fact: the dow chemical company continued producing it after everyone else had stopped. So, yeah. Glad you michaganites are enjoying that.

Agent Orange was a government initiated product, even though a private company "found" it.

The chevy volt was not deliberate. That time period included the industrial revolution: workhouses, child labour, children sent up chimneys, all that jazz. A boom period, by all accounts.

You know child labor is still a problem, right? It still happens, we just delude ourselves into thinking it doesn't. Besides, what do YOU constitute as child labor? I work at my fathers company in the summer, I'm 15, does that make it child labor?

And i don't know where i referred to killing babies. I referred to the termination of pregnancy:

I don't really see a difference, please point one out.

Also, what about refugees? Or people coming to the country because of a lack of money? What if you're criminal record is in crimes such as "slandering your native country" or crazy religious stuff that the USA would disagree with? You can't claim to be sweet land of liberty and then complain when people without much sweetness or liberty come over for a try of it.

Well, seeing as that's a much more open border policy than any the others have come up with you shouldn't really be complaining. "slandering your native country" isn't a crime in the USA so it wouldn't apply in this situation. And "crazy religious stuff" is pretty vague, I'd assume that you mean somebody who worships frogs or something, cause that's perfectly legal in the USA. If they choose to infringe on another's right by throwing the frog, that would be illegal, but only once they're in the USA. There's a lot of bitter people in this world, I deal with it, why not others? I don't get what you mean by liberty, because the way you use it is confusing.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
@grazr... then I'm just ignorant. I guess it makes me a jerk, but frankly there are more important things for me to worry about at the present moment. (That being said, I should clarify: I do read about how politics are effecting sciences research... and most of the time it isn't all bad)

@Terwonick, legally, at 15 you're allowed to work with proper paperwork. But socially, at 15, you shouldn't care this much about politics.