Anti-capitalism, pro Icing


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
So I'm not reading this thread, but I'll bet people are arguing about economic shit.

Maybe you should read the thread. Then you'd realise it's not just "economic shit". There's been more discussion about foreign policy and the pro's and con's of social policies like socialism, capitalism and communism than how companies like to pick on civil liberties.

I think we all know the kind of companies that do too. *cough* EA *cough*

Not that this thread was ever supposed to be taken as seriously as you seem to be taking it. It was a dare on Yyler's behalf to troll Terwonick.
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L6: Sharp Member
Aug 25, 2010
Maybe you should read the thread. Then you'd realise it's not just "economic shit". There's been more discussion about foreign policy and the pro's and con's of social policies like socialism, capitalism and communism than how companies like to pick on civil liberties.

I think we all know the kind of companies that do too. *cough* EA *cough*

What's the point of posting to him if he says "So I'm not reading this thread, but I'll bet people are arguing about economic shit," So far these responses have come from people who strike me as those with socialistic and communistic tendencies... Even though he said he wasn't going to pay attention. Isn't that kinda counterproductive?


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
What's the point of posting to him if he says "So I'm not reading this thread, but I'll bet people are arguing about economic shit," So far these responses have come from people who strike me as those with socialistic and communistic tendencies... Even though he said he wasn't going to pay attention. Isn't that kinda counterproductive?

It's up to me what i post and who i reply to, i don't see why you care if i waste a little of my time replying to someone who claims he wont read or post in this thread any more (even though he probably will).

Though reading your comment did make my face scrunch up like i took a bite out of a lemon. It's all kinds of prejudiced, presumptuous and ignorant.

I consider having a 2 way conversation with you much more of a waste of time/counterproductive than having a 1 way conversation with moose.
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L6: Sharp Member
Nov 4, 2009
yeah i'm still skimming this thread, but I'm not going to read a 1600 word post about something I've already seen discussed way too often. just saying people should read up on mmt


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 25, 2010
It's up to me what i post and who i reply to, i don't see why you care if i waste a little of my time replying to someone who claims he wont read or post in this thread any more (even though he probably will).

Though reading your comment did make my face scrunch up like i took a bite out of a lemon. It's all kinds of prejudiced, presumptuous and ignorant.

I consider having a 2 way conversation with you much more of a waste of time/counterproductive than having a 1 way conversation with moose.

Look, I'm just poking a little fun at you. Besides I got a response out of him, didn't I ;)


L6: Sharp Member
Nov 4, 2009
I didn't know important global issues could be discussed "too often". But ok if you say so!

it's discussed too often with people who I don't care to discuss it with

its like that time rexy posted his map on reddit and some guy was like HEY WHY DON'T YOU SPLIT THE MAP IN HALF AND TURN IT INTO A 5CP


L1: Registered
Jun 16, 2011
This thread is why I don't talk about politics on the internet.

It starts off as a civil discussion, but then immediately people go crazy and start calling the other side names and people deny facts and "my opinion is better than your opinion" and "u r fakn retrded" etc. jus saiyan


&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
This thread is why I don't talk about politics on the internet.

It starts off as a civil discussion, but then immediately people go crazy and start calling the other side names and people deny facts and "my opinion is better than your opinion" and "u r fakn retrded" etc. jus saiyan

I don't see that in this thread at all.


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 25, 2010
It then wouldn't be trolling.

so they aren't trolling anymore??? I'm still confused.

EDIT: Ninja'd...

EDIT2: Frozen, I found a picture you might like

EDIT3: And This
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L1: Registered
Feb 20, 2011
Slavery wasn't created by capitalism or white people. When Moses says to the Pharoah "let my people go" , do you imagine that the Egyptians looked like Ben Kingsley? In the old testament Jewish slavemasters were required to free Jewish slaves every seventh year, called a sabbath year. Ancient victory stele regularly recount the slaves captured by Africans and Asian potentates throughout the ages.

The famous evil banker Meyer Rothschild helped create the evil of capitalism, and he personally bought and freed all the slaves owned by the English navy. Slavery is still legal in most muslim countries, and in Africa it's a cultural secret they still base use to show power. Haile Selassie the late Emperor of Ethiopia refused to free his slaves even in the 1960s. That man is worshipped as a prophet.

Christ said a slave should remain loyal to his masters. Muhammed was pro slavery. The muslim invasion of Africa enslaved millions more Africans than the Europeans ever did. Where do you think the Europeans bought their slaves: the Ottoman slave dealers obviously.

When Caesar conquered the Celts, it was said that the price of slaves in Alexandria dropped to the price of a bushel of dates. Dates were a sweetener, and Alexandria is obviously in Africa. Slavery is not an anomaly, it's the norm. The only groups I can find without slavery are Indians, and they have a caste system where people are born 'untouchable'.

The enemies of man are not isms at all, but corrupt people looking to maintain power thru any perversion they need.



&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
The enemies of man are not isms at all, but corrupt people looking to maintain power thru any perversion they need.
But then who was phone?

The more and more I hear about Ron Paul the more I'm leaning towards his campaign. I want him elected over anyone else. I'm a tad skeptical though.. I was like this with Obama and we all know how that turned out.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
I was like this with Obama and we all know how that turned out.

Yes, Obama has totally ruined your country and it's not like Bush had anything to do with it :rolleyes:

People predicted Obama would get shit because he inhereted such a mess. I didn't want to believe people would be that short sighted, but i guess they can be. It's almost as if American long term memory doesn't last longer than 4 years. I guess that makes sense though, it certainly explains how Bush got voted back in for a second term.
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&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
I was like this with Obama and we all know how that turned out.
Yes, Obama has totally ruined your country and it's not like Bush had anything to do with it :rolleyes:

That's not what I meant by that at all.
I had a lot of hopes for Obama, hearing what people had to say about him and of course hearing what he had to say for himself. He sounded like a promising president, so I wanted him to get elected, which he was.

Well, as you can see nothing was necessarily changed, and in fact things did honestly just get marginally worse. It feels like Obama did nothing to help, well, anything really. If you give me that "Well Obama just inherited the mess don't forget Bush hur dur" I'm going to just simply ignore it. Franklin Roosevelt inherited the god damn Great Depression and he did EVERYTHING he possibly could have done to make his country stronger. You know what happened after FDR tried? Things got better.

Now I'm just hoping the only candidate I even remotely care for is different then our past few presidents. I hope Ron Paul doesn't let me down...
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semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
Read THIS in the style of THIS.

"Yeah, but APART from closing guantanamo bay, ending torture of terrorists, health care reform, tax cuts for small businesses, tax credits for health insurance, expansion of medicaid, money for mental health for veterans, aqueducts and peace... what has Obama ever done for us?"
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