- Dec 13, 2022
- 5
- 5
An FGD Fit for a LORD Updated - V4a - Now with VScript!
Original Thread - V3b
Original Download - V3b
Da Spud Lord's Forge Game Definition file (.FGD) for Team Fortress 2, updated to Version 4a which includes VScript content and various other changes.
An extra "tf2_spud_se.fgd" is included in this download where the dynamic shadow properties "disablereceiveshadows" and "disableshadows" are both are set to "1" (Yes) by default.
The purpose of this is to prevent the CUtlLinkedList Overflow crash caused by exceeding a hidden dynamic shadow limit in TF2.
Only one (1) of either .fgd should be active in order to prevent settings from being overwritten.
More information can be found in the .txt file located within the download's .zip folder.
To change any settings within the FGD file as of Version 3, such as hiding/showing line dividers, open the tf2_spud.fgd file in a plain text editor, scroll down to the "USER SETTINGS" header (line 30), and follow the instructions there.
Engineer spawnpoint model and some icons created by A Boojum Snark (not included; see installation instructions)
Original Thread - V3b
Original Download - V3b
Da Spud Lord's Forge Game Definition file (.FGD) for Team Fortress 2, updated to Version 4a which includes VScript content and various other changes.
An extra "tf2_spud_se.fgd" is included in this download where the dynamic shadow properties "disablereceiveshadows" and "disableshadows" are both are set to "1" (Yes) by default.
The purpose of this is to prevent the CUtlLinkedList Overflow crash caused by exceeding a hidden dynamic shadow limit in TF2.
Only one (1) of either .fgd should be active in order to prevent settings from being overwritten.
More information can be found in the .txt file located within the download's .zip folder.
-Replaced " " in helper models with "models/empty.mdl" to prevent errors from showing up in Alt + P
-func_button Flag: Don't Move checked by default
-prop_dynamic, prop_physics and 104 other model-related entities have shadows disabled by default (cheap render-to-texture which are NOT lightmaps. Prevents CUtlLinkedList Overflow crash)
-All brush entities have disablereceiveshadows set to 1 (prevents CUtlLinkedList Overflow crash)
//////// NOTE: The changes to these dynamic shadow keyvalues only apply to "tf2_spud_se.fgd" ////////
-Added func_monitor, logic_eventlistener, point_camera, point_worldtext, & skybox_swapper entities
-Added StartDisabled keyvalue to env_soundscape & fixed bug with Disable soundscape input
-Added TeamNum (Spud .fgd: STFTeam) class to tf_logic_cp_timer
-Added DestroyBuildings keyvalue to func_nobuild
-Added VScript keyvalues and inputs to all entities with the Targetname class (except point_camera)
-Rearranged VScript keyvalues to always be below Name
-Added info_camera_link entity
-Added point_hurt's missing spawnflags
-Made func_door's Toggleable spawnflag checked by default
-Added more info on how ambient_generic's "Is NOT Looped" spawnflag functions
-Added logic_script entity
-Added SetCycle(float), SetModel(string), and SetPlayBackRate(float) inputs to the following entities: prop_door_rotating, phys_magnet, prop_dynamic, prop_dynamic_override, prop_dynamic_ornament, prop_physics_override, prop_physics, prop_physics_multiplayer, prop_sphere, prop_ragdoll, prop_ragdoll_attached, and the"player" reference entity.
Suggestions from Spud's .fgd's thread page
-powerup_model(studio) keyvalue added to tf_spell_pickup, tf_bonus_duck_pickup (?), and tf_halloween_gift_pickup (?)
-Added rd_robot_dispenser (similar to pd_dispenser with only 5 HP/s)
-More info added to logic_relay & math_counter
-logic_relay: Added angles(angle) and origin(origin) (Intended for replacing info_teleport_destination with the non-edict_t logic_relay in cases where it is not necessary to parent it to a moving brush)
-trigger_add_or_remove_tf_player_attributes: Removed Non-functional attributes and marked semi-functional ones as Unreliable (Refer to the link below)
-Fixed rd_robot_dispenser description typo.
-Commented out matsys_regressiontest from material exclusions for the cat picture.
-Added croc_model(studio) to func_croc trigger.
-Added font(choices) list to point_worldtext.
-Added prop_dynamic's keyvalues plus physics keyvalues to prop_vehicle and prop_vehicle_driveable. (Check out https://github.com/ficool2/vscript_vehicle)
-func_button Flag: Don't Move checked by default
-prop_dynamic, prop_physics and 104 other model-related entities have shadows disabled by default (cheap render-to-texture which are NOT lightmaps. Prevents CUtlLinkedList Overflow crash)
-All brush entities have disablereceiveshadows set to 1 (prevents CUtlLinkedList Overflow crash)
//////// NOTE: The changes to these dynamic shadow keyvalues only apply to "tf2_spud_se.fgd" ////////
-Added func_monitor, logic_eventlistener, point_camera, point_worldtext, & skybox_swapper entities
-Added StartDisabled keyvalue to env_soundscape & fixed bug with Disable soundscape input
-Added TeamNum (Spud .fgd: STFTeam) class to tf_logic_cp_timer
-Added DestroyBuildings keyvalue to func_nobuild
-Added VScript keyvalues and inputs to all entities with the Targetname class (except point_camera)
-Rearranged VScript keyvalues to always be below Name
-Added info_camera_link entity
-Added point_hurt's missing spawnflags
-Made func_door's Toggleable spawnflag checked by default
-Added more info on how ambient_generic's "Is NOT Looped" spawnflag functions
-Added logic_script entity
-Added SetCycle(float), SetModel(string), and SetPlayBackRate(float) inputs to the following entities: prop_door_rotating, phys_magnet, prop_dynamic, prop_dynamic_override, prop_dynamic_ornament, prop_physics_override, prop_physics, prop_physics_multiplayer, prop_sphere, prop_ragdoll, prop_ragdoll_attached, and the"player" reference entity.
Suggestions from Spud's .fgd's thread page
-powerup_model(studio) keyvalue added to tf_spell_pickup, tf_bonus_duck_pickup (?), and tf_halloween_gift_pickup (?)
-Added rd_robot_dispenser (similar to pd_dispenser with only 5 HP/s)
-More info added to logic_relay & math_counter
*A logic_relay with a blank output and delay can be used to add a buffer to any I/O chain
*math_counter's OnGetValue fires after OutValue. This is always true if you chain OutValue -> GetValue -> OnGetValue.
--------------------------------------------logic_relay: Added angles(angle) and origin(origin) (Intended for replacing info_teleport_destination with the non-edict_t logic_relay in cases where it is not necessary to parent it to a moving brush)
-trigger_add_or_remove_tf_player_attributes: Removed Non-functional attributes and marked semi-functional ones as Unreliable (Refer to the link below)
About trigger_add_or_remove_tf_player_attributes - The good, and the jank
(Note: Attributes can also be added with Vscript, which also let's you clear the attribute cache - making this entity effectively obsolete) trigger_add_or_remove_tf_player_attributes is an entity that sounds powerful on paper, due to its ability to add an item attribute directly to the player...
-Fixed rd_robot_dispenser description typo.
-Commented out matsys_regressiontest from material exclusions for the cat picture.
-Added croc_model(studio) to func_croc trigger.
-Added font(choices) list to point_worldtext.
-Added prop_dynamic's keyvalues plus physics keyvalues to prop_vehicle and prop_vehicle_driveable. (Check out https://github.com/ficool2/vscript_vehicle)
Follow these steps to install this FGD and necessary files. These instructions are also listed at the top of the FGD file.
- If you have not already installed A Boojum Snark's Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack, download and install it from here. Spud's FGD references a number of resources from ABS' pack, and in general the pack will greatly improve your TF2 mapping experience. If you already have this pack installed, skip this step.
- Download Spud's FGD. Copy the FGD file (tf2_spud.fgd & tf2_spud_se.fgd) as well as the included folder (tf2_spud) from the ZIP to your "/Team Fortress 2/bin" folder*. The "/Team Fortress 2" folder can be located by right-clicking on Team Fortress 2 in your Steam Library and selecting Properties > Local Files > Browse Local Files. If you are not using the Team Fortress 2 Hammer, instead copy this FGD file to your hammer.exe's /bin folder.
- Copy the included VPK file (tf2_spud_fgd.vpk) to your "/Team Fortress 2/tf/custom" folder.
- Launch/restart Hammer. Go to Tools > Options > Configurations. Under Game Data files, remove all other files. Then use the Add button and the file browser popup to find and select the tf2_spud.fgd file which you just downloaded. (The other files do not need to be selected and will be included automatically.) Select "Ok" before exiting your Hammer options, and restart Hammer. The FGD is now fully installed.
Engineer spawnpoint model and some icons created by A Boojum Snark (not included; see installation instructions)
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