All GameModes

All GameModes V7


Jan 7, 2015
i didnt see that necesary :/
If you don't put anything in that field, the file won't actually update. It is necessary.

Edit: if you make a tiny change then you can just put A2b or something, without making a whole new version number.


professional letter
Jul 4, 2015
in the logic_auto, if you go to outputs you will see an output that looks something like 'onMultiNewRound 3cp_gamerules SetBlueTeamMission #Gpit_mission' and you need to change that #Gpit_mission bit to your message (but you dont need the #, just put what you want to say in the box it is in)


L6: Sharp Member
Mar 17, 2016
in the logic_auto, if you go to outputs you will see an output that looks something like 'onMultiNewRound 3cp_gamerules SetBlueTeamMission #Gpit_mission' and you need to change that #Gpit_mission bit to your message (but you dont need the #, just put what you want to say in the box it is in)
I'll try it!


Jun 7, 2015
-Added CTF (Mannpower)
-Added CP (Centralized-Style)
-Added PASS (In a different file)
-Added MVM (In a different file)
-Added PL(Multi-Stage)
-Added PL (Li'l Chew Chew)
-Added PLR (Singl-Stage)
-Added PLR (Multi-Stage)
-Added RD
-Fixxed a problem with Arena (2CP)
-TC looks better now
-Added prefixs on the map for a better search
-Added a txt file

Read the rest of this update entry...


Jun 7, 2015
Ok, if you guys see ay problem please tell me to fix it!


L16: Grid Member
Jun 8, 2015
I don't know how copy-paste would work but it is possible for you to add MvM and Passtime into same main .vmf by using instances


Jun 7, 2015
I don't know how copy-paste would work but it is possible for you to add MvM and Passtime into same main .vmf by using instances
Emmm, i dont think im gonna do that, the geometry of that maps are a little different so, im sorry :/


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
That's an well made gamemode pack here (community gamemodes inclued !)
Note though that as long as a gamemode isnt added to valve's map pool (at which point the gamemode can be considered a standard) you should credit the modes and in some cases even ask permission from the author (as some entity work has been heavily customized for just 1 map that it cant be compared to the original base gamemode). Even if its released by the author a blind copy shouldnt allways be made, there can be many reasons why they released it (for example when they were asking for help). Allways ask when including it in such pack!
(atm i only see gamemodes which valve used so on that it should be fine)

Also, for mvm there are multiple systems existing currently. Mannhattan for example has a control point system, decoy has a pathing change midround, mannworks has a 2 path system that zigzags between each other. And the examples lack any logic for setting up engineers.


Jun 7, 2015
Note though that as long as a gamemode isnt added to valve's map pool (at which point the gamemode can be considered a standard) you should credit the modes and in some cases even ask permission from the author (as some entity work has been heavily customized for just 1 map that it cant be compared to the original base gamemode). Even if its released by the author a blind copy shouldnt allways be made, there can be many reasons why they released it (for example when they were asking for help). Allways ask when including it in such pack!
(atm i only see gamemodes which valve used so on that it should be fine)

Also, for mvm there are multiple systems existing currently. Mannhattan for example has a control point system, decoy has a pathing change midround, mannworks has a 2 path system that zigzags between each other. And the examples lack any logic for setting up engineers.
Emmm, i didnt understand much but i think that you said that i have to credit the original creators of the gamemode prefab, right?

Anyways, in MVM i only incluede the mvm_example file, but with a little differences, i dont really know how to make MVM maps, but the rest of gamemodes are there.

Btw, some of these gamemodes i have to made it for myself, for example: CP (Steel) or PL (Lil' Chew Chew)