
PD Reality a10


Dec 5, 2007
Reality - Stabilise fissures in space and time

pd_reality_a1 - 14/10/2023
initial release

First post in over 6 years???

Following on from a 2015 project, pd_reality features more ways to acquire points than just killing the enemy. Periodically a point will be available to dispense bonus packs for you to collect, rewarding your team's map control


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Dec 5, 2007
If anyone knows a way to draw an env_sprite regardless of vis please let me know!

I'm using the same method that Farmageddon uses for its pumpkin icons when it's time to get vored, which is a world-space env_sprite. It will render through walls thanks to $ignorez 1, but it will only render when players are in locations that the sprite would normally be rendered meaning it pops in and out as you move around the map and isn't visible in a lot of places

Alternatively, if anyone knows a method to draw a sprite straight on to the HUD that corresponds to a given world space position, that might also work


Dec 5, 2007
Now with 200% more balconies!

This version comes with reworks to the spawns and side areas, fixes a few issues with teleports and aids clarity for objectives

pd_reality_a2 - 16/10/2023
Complete rework of spawn locations
Rework of lower paths
Separated teleport destination from spawn
Increased points deposit delay
Objective HUD icon now on screen as soon as setup ends
Capture area more clearly marked
Griefability of second dimension reduced
Signs added to guide players towards fissure
Fissure opening countdown now announced (VO temporary)
Bonus Stabilisers now announced (VO temporary)
Bonus Stabilisers dispensed over longer time...


Dec 5, 2007
This was an interesting one to solve so I'm putting it here for anyone to utilise in future.

The goal:​

I want The Fissure™ to have an objective glow visible anywhere in the map so players can find it no matter where they are

The issue:​

The Fissure™ is outside the current PVS (potential visibility set) for most of the map meaning it's not rendered. As a consequence of not being rendered, the tf_glow entity can't apply the outline to it. So as players run around the map, they pop in and out of areas The Fissure™ and its outline are rendered. Not ideal

The fix:​

Several entites in TF2 are rendered no matter where they are, like item_teamflag, or the prop_physics_override of a payload cart, that's how these are able to render a nice outline all the time. So what if we hijack their functionality? Well it works. Anything parented to an item_teamflag will render no matter what PVS a player is in. Success! The item_teamflag will apply its own outline to any parented prop so by default The Fissure™ would have a red, blue or white glow (white if we pick team: any on the item_teamflag), fortunately the tf_glow will override this so we can set the nice purple I want. The Fissure™ isn't available to players as an objective all the time though so we need to disable the glow, to do so requires disabling both the item_teamflag as well as the tf_glow. Job done

One more thing:​

Obviously the item_teamflag is applying its outline to the inteligence briefcase by default too so to disable that we can swap out its model with models/empty.mdl and now it has no mesh to outline. Be sure to put the item_teamflag somewhere no one will pick it up because that will get very silly very quickly

But what about the env_sprite?​

My solution for that is less clever, it still works, but it's dumb. Because the objective is at the very side of the map, we don't actually need the sprite to rotate to face the player, we can make it a world-aligned thing, it gets a little distorted at the spawns since they're at the worst viewing angle, but it's nothing too drastic and everywhere else in the level it's pretty face-on. So instead of an actual env_sprite, we can just slap that bad boy on the face of a non-solid func_brush. To get it rendering all over the map, I put five little nodraw cubes in key parts of the map and made them all the same func_brush as the sprite. Now its big enough to be visible in every PVS in the map!


Thanks to Stack Man for working out the usage of item_teamflag
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Dec 5, 2007
10 more balconies!

Biggest change here is the objective outline and new scaffolding area, plenty of other small changes too

pd_reality_a3 - 21/10/2023
+ Fissure now has objective outline when it's available
~ Objective HUD icon now won't disappear in certain areas of the map
~ Moved teleport return destination to be less disorienting
~ Increased duration of crits on returning from another reality

+ New dropdown and scaffolding area
~ Spread spawn points over 3 floors of spawn
- Reduced damage over time effects
+ Added flag clean up triggers to death pits
~ Corrected initial spawn timers to be halfway between values once points are scored


Dec 5, 2007
Pulled this update from a parallel dimension

pd_reality_a5 - 23/11/2023
~ Rebuilt map from the ground up only keeping the broad stokes of the previous layout
~ Redesigned Bonus Stabiliser delivery system
~ Slight scale adjustment to second dimension

pd_reality_a4 - Unreleased
~ Lowered banisters to aid jumping
~ Tweaked balconies in the main hall to provide more space for dodging
+ Readded hurt trigger to the collider room, active once the blast doors close
- Removed uber and crit boost effects from leaving another dimension


Dec 5, 2007
Now With 76% More Dish!

pd_reality_a6 - 25/11/2023

+ Added extra stairs in the staircase room connecting the control room and locker room
+ Increased lighting in multiple areas
+ Added external status indicators to the condenser room
+ Increased size of dish

~ Opened up rooms in the spawn-mid connector buildings
- Removed bullet/projectile collisions from control room & collider room railings
- Reduced amount of Bonus Stabilisers dispensed (10 to 8)
- Removed announcer countdown for the fissure closing
- Removed east/west-most staircase room from each side


Dec 5, 2007
Introducing A New Dimension!

pd_reality_a7 - 29/11/2023
+ Introduced the second alternate dimension (100% chance for now)
+ Increased duration of uber when returning from another dimension (2s to 3s)
+ Increased openness of 'mid' slightly
+ Clipped off the collider

~ Collider room hurt now ramps from 0 to 40 over 8 seconds as the doors close
~ Alternate dimension hurts now ramp from 0 to 64 over 7.5 seconds as the doors close
~ Reworked locker rooms into a more unified single room

- Removed staircase room connecting the control room and locker room
- Removed critboost when returning from another dimension


Dec 5, 2007
So long and thanks for all the Ducks

pd_reality_a9 - 07/08/2024
+ Continued artpass
+ Raised ceiling level in control room
+ Increased breathing room in bonus canister room
+ Replaced ducks with stability canisters
~ Moved return teleport destination to be inside spawn areas
- Reduced severity of damage ramp up in collider room and in other dimensions. Dimension damage now starts delayed too
- Canisters dispensed by condenser reduced from 8 to 6
- Minimum points required reduced 50 -> 40
- Maximum points required reduced 120 -> 96