
  1. Ponds34

    Reskinned Half Life 2 Props For Team Fortress 2! Version 2

    This is my first attempt at texturing for tf2s style, and I think they turned out well! This file includes all the re-textures as well as a prop zoo vmf so you can see how they look in hammer without needing to hunt for them. Changed Props include: props_c17/utilitypole01a.mdl...
  2. SomethingDeveloper

    most props and overlays not visible in cubemaps [IGNORE]

    How do i make cubemaps that have visible props and overlays btw this also happens in my maps that i've made and i've seen it in other peoples maps so it's not because i decompiled and then recompiled dustbowl
  3. RatsInYourWalls

    Mercpark gantry edits 1

    texture edits of the mercpark gantry props + associated textures (mostly) fixed LOD models (crane LOD model still scuffed) fixed gantry_stairs02 having flipped normals fixed minor UV mapping issue with underside of gantry_main, edge and stairs transparent versions of grate textures how to...
  4. Skylark

    [Tutorial with Resources] How to make your own custom sign_gameplay

    I have to make it absolutely clear that I am an idiot when it comes to this. I only learnt how to do it today, and the journey was confusing and frustrating and so right now is the ideal time to write a tutorial about how to do this. I had a huge amount of help from Floats on Discord, and I'm...
  5. ThePykeSpy

    Problem with the Japan Pack roof props

    Hello, good people! I am somewhat new to the whole mapping scene, so I apologize in advance if this is something that could be easily figured out, but after doing some research and testing myself, I thought perhaps people with more experience would know. I've been messing around with the Japan...
  6. Sae35™

    Crushed Bonk Can Physics Prop 1.0

    This is a modified version of the crushed Bonk can from the sfm leak, so don't bother crediting me unless you really want to for some reason. It can be every flavor of Bonk, allowing your team to showcase their favorite flavor of Bonk in spawn. It can also be static or dynamic, as well as being...
  7. Alox

    Reskinned Spytech Props (Yellow Varients) V1

    here a lil' pack containing : - 13 Reskinned props Hope you will like them! Please be sure to credits upon using those models in your map, thanks.
  8. Diva Dan

    More Halloween Barricade Walls 2

    Carnival barricade walls from "Carnival of Carnage", separated and with more colors. Comes with 5 models for texture variation, along with 6 skins for different colors- -Green -Purple -Red -Blue -Orange -Black Also comes with a better optimized collision mesh.
  9. Cyberen

    Reflecting models in the water?

    I've been trying this in different maps but it seems that there's no documentation on this. Can water textures reflect static models? Also, is the complexity of my map causing the reflection to lag? Should I just swap to a cheap water? Because I have $cheapwaterstartdistance in the VMT but it...
  10. Pdan4

    Props with improper lightmapping

    [RESOLVED] Hey y'all, I'm running into a very strange issue with props for my In & Out Detailing Contest entry. I've had props that were properly lightmapped before, but now ignore light_env except for its ambient. They almost look black... almost. Regular lights work fine, but this stuff is...
  11. NutRubber

    Trouble with 3rd Party Props

    Hi there, I've been tinkering with Hammer the past couple weeks and have been developing a test map which is basically a house disguised as nothing but a glorified cube. I downloaded community made props for the map to add more variety. I asked a friend if she could upload the map to her server...
  12. Generalisk

    Player Prop's???

    Hi, I Wanted To Have A Spy On My Map Wearing A Set Of Cosmetic's Doing Nothing But The Luxury Lounge Taunt. I Would Like To Make It Uninteractable (So The Actual Player's Would Just Clip Through This & Cannot Shoot Or Kill It) I Know I Sorta Can Be Done As There Are Uninteractable NPC's On...
  13. Tumby

    Tank001 Blue Edit 2020-10-09

    Blue edit of props_2fort/tank001.mdl. Has 2 skins. Skin 1 is more vibrant than skin 0. Includes: models/props_2fort/tank001_blue.mdl (and other relevant files) materials/models/props_2fort/tank001_blue0.vtf + .vmt (skin 0) materials/models/props_2fort/tank001_blue1.vtf + .vmt (skin 1)...
  14. FGD5

    Diner Models V1

    Diner themed stuff made during the 2020 72hr Jam. Includes: Tables and chairs Dining booth Stools Fridge, oven and kitchen counter Diner doors Neon signs Hotdogs, Burgers and Milkshakes Napkin holder, salt shaker and sause bottle Tray with and without napkin Tile textures Comes in 5 different...
  15. ButteredSideDown

    Problem with prop recognition in hammer

    I have this issue where if i don't get close enough to an entity or a prop, it gets replaced with a big colourful box covering it. This makes it incredibly hard to make out which of my props and entities are which, plus it makes it difficult to pick out props that i need for my map.
  16. Dokta Whawee

    How do I put the Rick May tribute Statue in my map?

    So, I am making a map for the first time, and I was curious as to how i'd put the rick may statue in my map. I have seen it in custom maps, so how would I do it? Thanks!
  17. Bri

    Bri's Retrofuturistic Vehicle Pack 1.0

    Hi. I am relatively new here and uploading this for a peer to use, so the formatting on here won't be pretty. This is a three pack of workshop vehicles that I made for the SFM workshop. This pack includes: The Dosh Galore (as seen in Heavy is Dead) The Sweeper The Baby Bee Each folder has a...
  18. scalseHUN

    In hammer for me props aren't showing properly on the cameraview. Pls help!

    The props are showing for me like this if I am a bit further and if I am close it loads properly, what can I do to see the props properly in the camera view, all the time? Please someone help me.
  19. moonchaser26

    random prop pack 2019-12-01

    first attempts at modelling and learning implementation process they are not properly optimized and have a messy folder structure, so beware
  20. Tio Spy

    Help with props

    *Sorry for bad english* Hello, i need some help to place some hats at mine map, all the hats dat i put on, are white or stock skin, there is any way that i can put an paint? like an Pink As Hell. Another thing, how can i turn it to an unusual? i want to place an hat dat it is painted with pink...