open fortress

  1. d3adfin

    Tremor a1a

    tremor is an open fortress duel map that takes heavy inspiration from the quake series, with it being influenced geometrically and aesthetically by maps like aerowalk, the bad place and elder. this map uses: fuzzymellow's urban texture pack theatretechie's cloud textures berry's autumnal pack...
  2. d3adfin

    Imperial a4b fix

    imperial is an open fortress duel and tdm map. it takes strong inspiration from quake live maps like silence and ragnarok in an effort to hopefully be fast-paced and intense.
  3. Jameson

    Renegade a3a

    A large FFA Deathmatch map for Open Fortress that can accommodate 24 players This map is designed around fluid speed and Afps elements. Some grates and glass panes are breakable while ladders are climbable. Renegade is inspired by dm_deadlock & dm_knoxx Custom Assets & Credits: Various Open...
  4. KrazyZark

    Dm_Dock Asset Pack V1

    Comes with custom models, textures, signs, overlays and water textures from dock. I thought I would finally release these to the public, because there just sitting in my projects folder and maybe when the odd player is on Open fortress. Now everyone can use them with my credit of course Does...
  5. KrazyZark

    Prototype submarine V1

    This prop was made for dock in open fortress which is set in 1975, so it may not fit in any map. have fun using it! model name is: props_dock\prototype_sub.mdl
  6. pont

    [GUIDE] Various Level Design Notes For TF2/OF

    [LINK TO GUIDE] I've slowly been building up a quick-reference guide of useful tips and notes for level design in Team Fortress 2 and Open Fortress. It includes notes on concepts like visibility and lighting cues, notes on entity quirks and useful console commands, explanations of engine things...
  7. nᵗʰSonata

    Ultraviolet (OF) a1

    The map dm_ultraviolet is a map made for the TF2 mod Open Fortress. It requires Open Fortress to run, and will not work for stock TF2, so go download it if you want to check it out. Uses my island_grate001 transparent edit and my vent001 full prop Screenshots:
  8. n8five484

    Groom v5

    Groom is a rotationally symmetrical deathmatch map for Open Fortress inspired by de_dust2, de_safehouse, and de_bank that takes place at Groom Lake near the infamous Area 51. Open Fortress is required to play this. This is not for TF2.
  9. MegapiemanPHD

    Deadlock rc1

    Deadlock is a Deathmatch map for Open Fortress, a standalone TF2 mod. You can check it out here: For this project I attempted to focus on player flow through routes and height variation as well as experimenting with angles. Download Open Fortress and check it out to see...