Heyo, I got reminded of this today and decided it'd probably be a smart idea to not have it be a download through discord. Thanks again to @a freakin' knight for finding this, I'm just making sure this has a permanent home. These are the credits of the construction pack.
Construction Pack can...
A lot of neat community TF2 maps have been officially added to the game through updates. New prop models and textures come with these maps, and I'd love to use some in my own map.
1) Is it okay to use any officially-added asset in my own map, or do I need to ask for permission from each...
Areaportal do not occlude anything even when the doors are closed. It may be because I placed them next to each other, but the Valve Developer Wiki says nothing about it.
Areaportals in Hammer
Areaportals in game
Areaportal configuration
Just a simple retexture of the unfinished Well Elevator + Track Model. Simply uses an existing metal texture in-game on top of the AO bake instead of it being just an AO bake.
I'm trying to make a func_breakable to stop throwing rocks when it gets destroyed, but for some reason when I set material type to none it keeps on doing it. So the only solution I can think of is to make a custom one but I don't know how to add it. I can model it in blender and create the .mdl...
This is a modified version of the crushed Bonk can from the sfm leak, so don't bother crediting me unless you really want to for some reason.
It can be every flavor of Bonk, allowing your team to showcase their favorite flavor of Bonk in spawn. It can also be static or dynamic, as well as being...
A collection of improved models from the unused Badlands props. Intended to add more props later on, but currently has a decent amount props in it (20). Let me know if there are any problems with it.
Includes a readme as well as a prop zoo to showcase these maps (It's not very complex), enjoy...
Inspired by Icarus' models and wanting to use them in my own 4-team domination map, I decided to expand on his work by adding the relevant submodels for GRN and YLW.
If you want to do something like this yourself, or edit these models in particular, all you need are:
- VTFEdit to convert...
You ever need a suspiciously low resolution mover of crates? Well here it is! Ported straight from Half Life 1, this comes with three loaded animations, being idle, boxwalk, and rampwalk.
Obviously, all rights go to Valve, so only bother crediting them, since I only did the conversion to work...
This ZIP file contains every unique asset and file relevant to Bonesaw, including the .VMF file. This isn't a completely exhaustive list, as it doesn't include assets from non-bespoke asset packs. This only contains all content made specifically for Bonesaw.
This is essentially the same ZIP...
Here a lil' halloween pack containing :
- 17 reskinned props (a lot of blu varient)
Hope you will like them!
Check out part 1 : https://tf2maps.net/downloads/reskinned-halloween-props-and-textures-pt1.14633/
Please be sure to credits upon using those models in your map, thanks.
Here a lil' pack containing :
- 4 Gifts featuring 7 skins and 2 sizes
Hope you will like them!
Please be sure to credits upon using those models in your map, thanks.
In this addon I've created an cannon edit. I've added bones, animations and shortened the fuse to it. Also the texture...
Hello! My partner and I are looking for someone to commission, to essentially redesign a map for our new trade server. This would include added new textures and models and consolidating "removing the fluff" of the current map to make it more small.
If you are interested please add me on either...
~~~~~IVY PACK~~~~~
Version 1.0
by Freyja
Place the "Ivy_Pack_v1" folder in Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\
If you're installing an updated version, make sure to delete the old version's folder beforehand!
If this is your first time logging in after the migration (Feb 8, 2022), you must reset your password to log in. Follow this guide if you're having trouble