
  1. KaydemonLP

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Jimi Jam the not so jam release

    I was bored so i made this and as it was within the 72 hour jam i posted it here.
  2. EArkham

    Soviet KV2 Tank B1 - Link fix

    SOVIET PROPS Created by EArkham 2016 Some content is derivative of official Valve content, all rights reserved. A collection of custom models and assets for a World War II era Soviet setting. Should be compatible with the Frontline...
  3. MilkMaster72

    A Halloween Wall Portal

    I'm working on a Halloween map for 2017, and I had an idea for a portal on the wall surrounded by candles. I remember there was a model that was green that I wanted to use, but it was too large for it. Can someone please make a model without collision. Id prefer Red and Blu as separate skins...
  4. MaccyF

    security_fence_section01_half v1

    initial version
  5. Shadowgattler

    Model [COMMISSIONING] Need help creating cloth model (see inside)

    I'm in desperate need of this specific model asset. It's an overhang in a desert market. My prices are very negotiable so please don't be shy to let me know if you're interested.
  6. Tumby

    Lowered Iron Fence 1.2

    What is there to say about this? Files included: models/props_fairoffrigt/iron_fence02 models/props_fairoffrigt/iron_fence02a models/props_fairoffrigt/iron_fence02b Each as .dx80.vtx, .dx90.vtx, .mdl, .phy, .sw.vtx and .vvd Installation: Extract the folder "iron_fence_lowered". You can...
  7. Tumby

    industrial_pipe01_64_01 2016-08-28

    Remind me to add better images.
  8. EArkham

    Japan Pack Expansion B2 - Updated Link

    JAPAN PACK EXPANSION PART I Created by EArkham 2016 Some content is derivative of official Valve content, all rights reserved. A collection of custom models and assets to enhance the Japan Pack. This content set will be updated...
  9. MaccyF

    Bear Cutout v1

    initial version
  10. Tumby

    Themed Wood Beams And Walls + Model 1.0.1

    Award-winning! (Disclaimer: No officially recognized awards have been granted so far.) Breathtaking! (Disclaimer: No breaths have been taken, legally speaking.) Mind Boggling! (Disclaimer: There are no studies to back up this claim.) This pack of 17 custom textures and 2 custom models is not...
  11. Estavos

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Bomb-o-Tower Cosmetic 2016-07-25

    Cosmetic for Demoman! Can be downloaded and used as mod/map prop/HDD space reserver. So, this isn't map, and likn to workshop is here!
  12. 404-universe

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Old Radio a1

    The model is finished. Texturing, however, still needs to happen. Considering how little I knew of blender going into this, I'm surprised I made it this far. If you have any ideas how to get this working (or feedback in general), please let me know.
  13. Lollerys

    Past 72hr Jam Entry The Point Hat

    Because it's a tf2 mapping website, I made my first hat for this competition...
  14. EArkham

    Town Fountain Model B1 - Link Fix

    FOUNTAIN ASSETS Created by EArkham 2016 Some content is derivative of official Valve content, all rights reserved. This content set will be updated periodically. Please do not redistribute these assets in any way EXCEPT when used...
  15. Simulacron

    Mayan pack problems

    So I tried out the mayan pack and everything works fine, all models apear in game and in hammer, but if I use the model: "models/props_temple/doorway_m.mdl" I get the following error in the compile log If I check it on I get the following problem: It also seems like only this...
  16. Grubzer

    Model Clown head model

    I need big (like sphinx head) four-or-three-sided evil clown head with red curly hair, red nose and evil smile. If somebody can create that for me, I will be grateful. Thanks.
  17. Peppridge Farms

    Don't know where to turn

    I can't find any updated guides on how to import custom NPC's or models into hammer, for either TF2 or any of the Half Life games. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  18. AlexCookie

    Model I need subway car model for my map

    * Open->idle->close animation for doors * Walkable space inside Can someone do it? --------------------------------- Original model: models/props_urban/urban_subwaycar.mdl Sorry for bad English (._. )
  19. Werewolf

    Propper created models missing skins

    I'm having trouble getting propper to create some props with all of the alternate skins I have set up. I'm going to use two TV's I have made as an example, but this is happening to other models I have made. Basically these 2 TV's share the same textures, the only difference between them is one...
  20. Werewolf

    Help with textures for Propper created props

    I've just got propper working but I suspect I have missed something, or I've not set something up correctly. In short when I compile my models get the model files just fine, but not the textures for them. Instead Propper 'converts' the .vmt files for all the individual textures by swapping the...