Like lambs to the slaughter, so too are you to this new King of the Hill map!
Focused on quick bursts of combat, swift flanks, and hazardous traversal, Slaughter is set totally indoors in a meat packing plant and slaughterhouse, and it's up to you to decide who's on the menu! Though watch your...
I'm back, baby! This time with a map that takes place in a sewer! I do hope this map can turn out to be one of quality in the end. Of course, it can only turn out good if I have YOUR help! Yes, YOU!
So after watching UEAKCrash's tutorial videos (which are so incredibly helpful and useful by the way!) I caved and made a koth map, and now I'm posting it up to hopefully learn how much I did that was right / wrong (because yay learning!)
I came up with an indoor area with a central point that...
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