
  1. ethosaur

    manor_of_mischief v4

    This is a new map I've been working on for a while now: Manor of Mischief! My newest addition to my "manor of" series. New custom content, art, rooms, models, collectibles, and so much more, all ready to be explored with others! Features a lot of characters, drawings and models that I have...
  2. ethosaur

    trade_balloonfarm 2021-08-16

    Based on my original map from VRChat "Ethosaurs balloon farm" This is a recreation of that map, this was a quick 24 hour project I wanted to do, and here it is! Ride the balloon ride, run through the fields, or just enjoy the view of Balloon farm, now in TF2! Cozy...
  3. ethosaur

    manor_of_fun_fix 2021-08-14

    A more stable, and fixed version of manor_of_fun, this one should work on bigger servers, with more players and mods/plugins. The old manor, was unfortunately made at a time, where I didn't know how to optimize that well, and the entity limit was already almost full, so it often ended up in...
  4. ethosaur

    cp_bloodcrystal_event 2021-08-10

    An old capture/defense event map I made a while ago, with two stages. It's pretty buggy, unoptimized and probably not very balanced/well tested, but some may still find some fun in it! Made for 2015's community halloween event. This is a halloween reskin of my other map, cp_snowcrystal...
  5. ethosaur

    mannor_of_horrors 2021-08-04

    Old exploration/hangout map I made long ago, this is a first iteration of my manor_of_fun, that I made much later. I found it while looking around in my files. You might find some fun in it still though, so I decided to upload it here, for archival/history purposes. "New" manor map...
  6. ethosaur

    cp_alamo 2021-08-04

    Few years ago I made this 3cp map, tried to finish it to a playable state, but it lacks a lot of polish and gameplay fixes to this day still. You have to capture the middle point, to then unlock the enemies base capture point. There is lot's of ways to get around. The map theme is based on the...
  7. ethosaur

    ctf_hellpower 2021-08-04

    This was an old "goof around" mannpower halloween map I made back in 2015. It's not very balanced and a bit poorly optimized, but if you want to mess around, it may still be fun! The map is designed for Mannpower, It has a theme set in hell, where lava is a big obstacle. Use the the grappling...
  8. ethosaur

    manor_of_fun 2021-08-04

    This is a hangout/exploration map made for people, who want just a little more weirdness and exploration in their every day goofy tf2 server, or whatever your else your heart desires. Explore dark forests with friends, or alone, discover weird secrets and unlock new things by completing simple...
  9. ethosaur

    trade_undertale_ruins 2021-08-04

    An old map I started on back when Undertale just released, I didn't know how to do custom textures or sounds at the time, so no custom content, all was made with tf2 assets.... Uploading for history/archival purposes. Perhaps some may still find some entertainment from it? Features: -Almost...
  10. ethosaur

    trade_dome 2021-08-03

    Yet another old trade map I found, which I tuned up a little, optimized and made functional. (Never released before) Thought i'd just take all these old maps and fix em up for public release (And for archival/history) (Estimated to be originally created 2014-2015 or earlier) Hopefully some...
  11. ethosaur

    trade_bathtime 2021-08-03

    Another old trade map I made years ago, that I recently found again. (original date, 2014-2015ish) Decided to tune up a little bit, optimize and publish for history/legacy reasons... Perhaps some out there may still find use with these old maps! Thanks for looking!
  12. ethosaur

    trade_goodtimes 2021-08-03

    Another old map I found that I made long ago... Uploading for legacy/history reasons, maybe some may find use of it still? Old name: trade_np_v1 (Was originally made for Neura play server, but never went through)
  13. ethosaur

    cp_coalyard_old 2021-08-03

    Extremely old egypt themed control point map that I found recently, thought i'd upload for legacy/history reasons... Possibly made in 2012 or older. Maybe i'll redo this some day?....
  14. ethosaur

    pl_dogwater a4

    A small work in progress one stage payload map. Includes new paths that open up, after capture points have been taken, and forward spawn for blu/moved spawn for red. The idea is to later replace the bomb with a big jug of poison (Or something like that) as blu is trying to sabotage reds water...
  15. ethosaur

    Small Pirate prop pack A1

    Very early work in progress, some of the models have some UV maps set up but no textures yet. Im still learning to model, so this was just a practice. Feel free to texture, edit and try to finish the model(s) yourself. But please do credit me if you want to use them!
  16. ethosaur

    Past 72hr Jam Entry pl_cove a3

    A payload map map set in the theme (Once detailed) with pirate-like town stuff and caves with lots of gold and other booty. Credits: I used ultimate mapping resource pack for the payload part. Sadly I ran out of time to make this map 100% playable in its current state. Health/ammo is...
  17. ethosaur

    koth_deathcliff_event 2016-10-01

    Made for 2016's community halloween event. Enjoy! This is a halloween reskin of koth_snowcliff Includes: Pumpkins bombs, wheel of doom and my own variant of the long-fall pit. (Also timed spellbook spawns) Original map:
  18. ethosaur

    pl_artifact a3

    ATTENTION: Known issue right now is there might be missing textures for models. I am working on a solution. A small Mayann themed payload map, includes models and textures from Jungle pack and Mayann model pack. Packed with Pakrat, please tell me if it works once you downloaded it...
  19. ethosaur

    Past 72hr Jam Entry koth_trenchcliff a1

    Made for the 72Hour Jam. I finally managed to get myself together and make a map! Post any feedback you have as this is very early draft of the map. Once the jam is finished I will try to complete this map and upload it to the workshop. Thanks and happy jamming!