
  1. DJ Buckley

    ctf_djbuckley_mc16 a2a

    CTF map I made for Microcontest 16. It's... playable.
  2. MKNZ

    Sewer Rats a2

    A map designed for TF2C, where the neon annihilator doesn't exist, and therefore can't ruin it.
  3. BadassCook

    Garage A1

    My first tf2 map, Konk King themed ctf map located near coastline, where mercenaries trying to steal some cars.
  4. KnavE

    Glass Maze A1

    A small, mostly open map with intel/capture zones encased in respawning breakable glass and a battle worn maze connecting it all. First playable alpha, so there will be issues. Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated!
  5. dblxer

    ctf_subwaysandvich a1

    My first map! Any and all feedback greatly appreciated. Design Goals I'm well-aware of the KotH/Viaduct formula prescription for first-time mappers, but I want to be different. :p So the next most simple standard gamemode to implement is CTF, however it is notorious for turtle-stalemate-hell...
  6. Yoshark

    DergFerret a3

    A collab map between @YoshiMario and @Mâché , aiming for a chin layout style ctf map. Custom dragon posters by @YoshiMario Custom Ctf timer stuff by @pont Logic dropped in a3 Mid made by Yoshi, Bases made by Mache
  7. Twan1

    OldHam a1

    Capture the flag map made to be simple to understand while also being fun. It's my first fully working map, so any constructive criticism would be nice.
  8. Diadomer

    ctf_speedcap A4

    Speedcap is quite linear and takes place indoors. The layout is mirrored, which means the spawn rooms are right next to each other. Unlike normal CTF, this map has a 10 minute timer. As the name suggests, this map is less deathmatchy and more objective oriented, with fast paced gameplay. (No...
  9. d3adfin

    ctf_botany (OPEN)

    turbine remake as an attempt to make it look and play better (and maybe be just a little bit competitively viable), never ended up being able to make it flow in a way that works so idk maybe someone else will uses the following: fuzzymellow's jungle grass the overgrown pack the london pack
  10. <2F F> | PJX

    The Rock final

    The Rock. You are tasked to assist Ms Pauling with erasing security footage of earlier skirmishes. OBJECTIVE: Steal the Intelligence from the enemy security office. Take it across to the other side of the enemy base to their Data storage and delete the security footage. Originally made by...
  11. Aulli

    unforgivingstructure a2

  12. pont

    ctf_pont_mc14 a4

    originally made for microcontest 14. breakthroughs in the application of locomotive technology have led to even more efficient methods for lone scouts to run face-first into intel turtles.
  13. zythe_

    zythe_mc14 a1

    ride a big train to the enemy intel room to steal their small train
  14. Ismaciodismorphus

    ismaciodismorphus_mc13 a1

    Pd/mannpower mix up results in horribleness this map used to be a really bad ctf map and it shows.
  15. Keizer Ei

    Flintgun A3

    KotH converted to CTF for MC13 Thanks to: Pont for her CTF timer logic Freyja for their Lazy Train Prefab
  16. P_4rio

    Capture Lock Gamemode (CL_Template) 2021-04-13

    No Description honestly its already explained in the tagline
  17. Yrr

    Big Boys a5

    Made for April Fools 2021 Concept, Logic, Textures, Design by Yrrzy Layout by Pont Voiceover by Benjamoose Special Thanks Mr. Burguers Catfish FloofCollie Idolon Startacker
  18. Five-SeveN

    papaya A1

    Nothing special with this map. It's long and has a pit in the middle.
  19. Meow_Moment

    dockhouse b6

    still in development, minor fixes aplenty