control point

  1. djmatt18000

    cp_naturetrain a1

    A 5cp map i made within under 24 hours give feedback
  2. djmatt18000

    cp_mountaintrain a1

    this map is a symetrical cp tf2 map i have made in 2 days
  3. Auwi

    Multi Stage Lamworth a12

    I had an itch to make a map so I figured I'd try out for the contest. 2 Stage a/d map set in a district of London. Designed for Major Contest #18: Stack the Deck. Gameplay Cards Featured: #1: Map has second stage #4: Active spawnroom directly below/above active objective (Red's stage 1...
  4. hutty

    cp_subscatter a5

    A 4cp attack/defense map that contains a mysterious malfunctioning device The device is a "Temporal Reactor" on a 20sec cycle it violently shoots out spokes in all directions breaking various walls and opening routes. And then 20sec later reverses its local time to pull the spokes back in...
  5. dabmasterars

    What does this parameter do?

    I know that's supposed to change the UI, but how does it work specifically?
  6. Le Codex

    Scramble A6

    In-progress submission for the Stack the Deck Major Contest. The return of CPC, after the making of the gamemode during MC23. Cards this is going for are Static Spawn, Train, Control Point Timer, and Non-Death Pit Hazard. For detailing, it for now only has the Hero Prop.
  7. Fault in Maps

    Marinated Mangos a2

  8. Padre Snowmizzle

    Cattledrive (CP) 1.1.0

    Move it or lose it, because there's beef between RED and BLU once again. BLU's broken into RED's cattle ranch to save them from the Chop-Shop! Either aid the rescue, or bring it to an end in this 4CP, single-stage attack/defend map. Don't be afraid to leave feedback and share your experiences...
  9. Francis_A2x

    Powder b20b

    an attack defense map took place in a cartel mansion, possibly somewhere in miami or south america countries such as colombia
  10. Parzivle

    Push A1

    Blue must push into red in a classic CP attack/defense were sometimes it's choky and other times it might be a bit too open.
  11. PureAdvantageCamel

    8fold a2b

    long story short i shoved an entire 8 control points in one map
  12. PureAdvantageCamel

    Symmetrical Gravel Pit Prefab (v2) v2

    ok so yall know gravel pit? so yknow 3cp? its like a mash of both! all you gotta do to use this is: download the vmf copy/paste it into ur map change the TODO's on the point names to what they are place the points and capture triggers in the appropriate locations make sure nothing else...
  13. JayCatnip

    CP_DomeTower_B3 2023-10-03

    All future development of this map has been ceased.
  14. Mess About

    whitetrack r1

    cp_whitetrack_r1 Red & Blu fighting over an industrial complex somewhere on the alpine
  15. Yrr

    72hr Jam 2023 Card Suit point signs/icons a1

    Red, Blue, and Neutral signs Control Point Overlays (like the ABC on Gravelpit/the ABCDE on Steel) For situations where points need to be labelled but you don't want to introduce confusion by using ordered "ABCD" labels Includes vmf showing how to set up the hud point labels.
  16. IcyRiver

    72hr Jam 2023 Septic v1

    A map set in an underground sewer system. This map is still in a really early development stage (No Textures, Minimalist Spawn Rooms, No Optimization) since it was made as part of the 2023 72hr Jam, but I'm still proud of myself for getting it from nothing to a fully functional, playable state...
  17. Padre Snowmizzle

    72hr Jam 2023 Broadcast (CP) 1.1.2

    Take the fight to TRN and claim those ad-ridden television screens! Teufort RED Network has been running a lot of annoying adverts over BLU's favorite shows, and you know the worst of it? That money could be going to BLU team right now! Bring your best coat hanger and hack into the RED TV...
  18. XEnderFaceX

    72hr Jam 2023 Fallen Leaves A7

    Fallen Leaves is an Attack/Defend Map set during Autumn ====================================== Basic Information: ============ Map type: Attack/Defend Control Points File name: cp_fallen_leaves_a7 Developer(s): XEnderFaceX Map Information: ============ Location: Wood/Iron Factory Setting...
  19. FatalError418

    Tank Corp. (Alpha 1) a1

    A modern warfare themed three control point single stage Attack/Defend map. There's lots of verticality and many flank routes. Relatively large for a A/D single stage map. At the start there is two flank routes and a strip of cover similar to 2fort's bridge, defended by high platforms and sniper...
  20. jixegix957

    tc_railrust 002

    fast-paced and small tc map