Welcome welcome welcome! It's that time of the month where competitive gaming is getting started once again, and I'm in zero rush to fall behind that curve! Lucky me, I've found and scrounged and gathered and... collected, a whole host of competitive maps for us to play! ...unfortunately, I...
My 1st attempt at doing a map that is good in competitive and in pub, and in a V shape. I'll see how it goes! Also includes hot water and a cliff over the sea
I'm still not good at description, i'll change it later, i promise
Newkon is a revised version of cp_yukon designed for competitive play. Below are the major changes sorted by general location. Beyond major layout changes, the lighting, clipping, and optimization have been generally improved for high-level play.
-----Major Changes by area-----
The map nobody asked for.
Thanks to Gatsan for feedback and interest in development.
- Removed clutter
- Adjusted area portals
- Changed the round timer to 10 minutes
- General optimisation improvements
- Shifted health and ammo for better rollouts
- Blockbullet clipped stairs...
Aerosol is a map intended for 4v4 Passtime.
This map started as a 72hr jam entry and has been expanded on.(https://tf2maps.net/downloads/pass_aerosol-72hr-edition.10176/)
the main changes between _72hr and _b2 are:
the map has been widened
It has also been made shorter
details have been removed...
This is my first map made specifically for competitive play, namely 6v6.
The theme of the map is that Red owns a cranberry farm and Blu a blueberry farm, and the main purpose of the facility is for mercenaries to kill each other in.
Mid Flank
Health cubby Route of to the sniper balcony...
Like ultiduo? Like surfing? Like flying around the map at the speed of light? Like getting sick airshots? Like making amazing getaways? Like coming in clutch with the last second bomb?
Welcome to ultiduo_rockhopper, an ultiduo map that features 2 walls that are entirely occupied by surf ramps...
Mutagen2 is a remake of my map from last year, called mutagen. This map will be mostly intended for competitive 6v6 audiences, though I'm open to the possibility of HL testing.
void for toxic waste texture
Frontline Team for mutagens sign
Everyone who played and left feedback on the...
If you like Powerhouse
and you want to make :cap:_Powerhouse style
this is the pefab 3:cap:
- what in this pefab -
I Found this room under the map turbine,viaduct
maybe if we want the maps to support comp
just place this winner room in the maps?
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