
  1. PyraXx | #updatetf2

    Broken/Missing lightning

    i dont konw why it brokes like this also how do i fix this black lines?
  2. zanderfish

    koth_trainyard_unfinished 1

    this was for the jam but since the reply that my time was allowed took forever I can't use this things unfinished spawnrooms (doors, filters, respawnroom function) rough blockout
  3. Erk

    Broken Hills b3a

    Map used to be called "Tombstone" but I changed it.
  4. AsheMosterMashe

    issues with env_sprite

    I can scale up my sprite to any size I want but as soon as I want something smaller than about 0.2 scale it just doesn't scale down. It appears to in Hammer but not in game? I tried making a smaller sprite that's half the size, and I could scale that down to about 0.1 and then when I changed...
  5. AsheMosterMashe

    Custom particles only load on some custom maps?

    I have two different maps, the first one (door_light_test_map) seems to load all my custom particles, consistently, without issue. But my second map (pickup_test2), (which is just the previous map with some junk removed and some textures swapped) will not load any of my particles and I don't...
  6. Little Shayman

    Water in my jump map remains invisible, despite usual fixes

    After checking on interlopers, I found no leaks and I've tried adding a water_lod_control, I've tried different water textures, I compile on normal settings. Still no luck, It could be something to do with the skybox error but most sources say that its ignorable. Here's my compile log, vmf and...

    Respawn Points Not Working?

    So I Have A Bit Of Experience With Mapping In Hammer, But I've Never Encountered This Before. When Working On My Map, The Respawn Points Decided Not To Work, And Set Me To The Same Position Every Time, And I Cannot Move, But I Can Look Around And See Triggers For Some Reason. I Don't Have...
  8. Mr. Origen

    Is there a way to force ammo and health pickups to respawn? I have mine parented to a func_physbox.

    I'm working on a trade map and I have my health and ammo pickups set as children of a func_physbox so they can rotate. The only issue is that this breaks their auto-materialize functionality, or at least it seems that way. When I pick them up, the never respawn. Is there a way I can fix this...
  9. ThirdEye

    Navigation mesh with bots crashes my game on my map

    One of my maps I am developing has a problem with the bots crashing the game after 5 minutes or so. I have no idea why because on my other map they seem to work fine. Any ideas to why this could be happening? I tried removing custom folder content which did nothing. Thank you!
  10. Shorty1


    In hammer when i try to model something the window i am using begins to glitch out and start moving the box around and it starts flashing with another window on top resulting in the program being unusable and impossible to work with. An answer or fix would be greatly appreciated thank you
  11. The_Gl!tch.exe

    Problem With Custom Music

    I'm currently creating a trade map and there are different sections with different music. Every room is covered in a trigger_multiple with their own clientcommand which play the specific music. They usually have OnStartTouch making the music play and a OnEndTouch which have a e.g. "play...
  12. Scampi

    Anomalous Compiling Issues

    Alright, here we go again with more compiling issues. There seems to be an issue with my maps being partly broken for people. The thing is, whenever I test my maps, everything is fine, all the content is there, the lighting looks fine. But when others playtest it, lighting appears broken, it...
  13. ForceFul

    Defective A2

    When i was creating this map, I took a lot of hydro, because I really like the style of it. So, here it is. The main idea is closing windows, for example: when blu captures the point their windows close to help red, and when red captures the point blus windows open and reds close. Leave your...
  14. Jukebox

    Destructible Wood Fence 2017-08-07

    MDL files for a wooden fence, including pieces of the fence broken. Includes: WoodFence_Destruct_1 WoodFence_Destruct_1_Broken WoodFence_Destruct_2 WoodFence_Destruct_2_Broken WoodFence_Destruct_Post WoodFence_Destruct_Piece1 WoodFence_Destruct_Piece2 WoodFence_Destruct_Piece3...
  15. Yabayabayaba

    Moving Skybox -- THE RETURN

    so I love the idea of using a func_physbox and a phys_motor to create a spinning skybox, yet I cannot make it work. I have extensively poured over the example map Roundabout by Faux Rhinoceros, a well made map that works well on the same concept. Yet nothing I do can make my skybox spin. When I...
  16. stuffedbutter

    Input tabs are broken...

    Hey all, I've been having this problem where the hammer input tab collapses all the tabs when I click "add..." When I click add, every thing collapses. It does this every time I click add. Is there a way I can make it permanently stay like this? : I've also verified my game cache. Also...
  17. AlphaOwl

    How do you resize a map?

    So I've been working on this koth map for about a day, and I placed an entity figure and noticed the comparable size between the engineer (model of the entity) and my map. Is there a simple way that I can easily resize my map proportionally? (Also keep due in mind that I started mapping...
  18. E

    Past 72hr Jam Entry cp_bodywash 2017-02-13

    so yeah, i didn't hear about this going on until the last sixteen hours or so, then i wracked my brain for a while figuring out what to do for it, i eventually remembered this reddit comment I...
  19. Metric

    (Solved) Partial Missing Texture on World Brush

    I have no idea what to call it, but it's certainly not the purple missing texture problem. Here's how it looks in-game: Here's the brush in Hammer with portals shown: The spoiler below contains the full compile log. This has been occurring for a while now (after multiple compiles and...